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December 24th 1988
Stevens POV:
It has been 5 days since we got home and I was more than glad to be at home.
We were having our Christmas Eve dinner which We all helped prepare.
" I want to fire Vicky "  Axl walked in the room and announced, my heart stopped. Vicky was fucking great!
" why?" I asked.
"I just do . She's a woman, doesn't Fit our agenda." He said it just like that, as if he didn't give a fuck about her and everything that she had done for us.
"Dude you got signed because of her."
Erin argued.
" but she's a woman, I want to get rid of her." He argued back.
" that Fucking sucks I love Vicky she's done so much for us." I sighed.
"Yeah his right, she's not as powerful as us men" izzy agreed.
"Yeah I must admit we would be better off with a man" Duff shrugged .
" you all better shut the fuck up ! I want to enjoy this dinner!" Blair snapped.
" ooo Steven shut your bitch up" Axl mocked. He had a bad day and he was in one of his moods.
" what the fuck did you just say?" I was fucking pissed.
"I said shut your Fucking bitch up." He smirked.
I can't comprehend it, his her best friend and speaks to her like shit.
" what the fuck Axl ?" She widened her eyes .
" I said shut the fuck up" he dead eyed her. Slash laughed it off.
" what the fuck slash?" I couldn't believe how they were acting.
" Axl baby" Erin tried butting in but Axl turned his head and spat on her.
" What the fuck?!" I screamed which only made him angrier.
Axl grabbed Erin and dragged her across the Fucking room then took one of her sculptures she got from her mum and threw it across the room causing it to shatter all over the floor.
" stop it please!" She cried but he dragged her through the glass this time. And started pushing her to go upstairs.
" stop him! " Blair screamed.
"We can't, he'll get more angry and probably kill us" slash said on the side. I can't believe they just watched it all happen.
" Axl." She put on a serious loud demanding voice . I started shaking scared of what may happen next.
" what!" He turned around.
" I always knew you were a bastard after you fucked Adriana but treating your girlfriend like this? That's disgusting." She said in a cold hearted voice making us all speechless.
Axl let go off Erin and seemed to calm down.
" yeah.. I get blamed all the time for something so stupid. Has your stupid boyfriend told you what he has done?"
I couldn't believe Axl would tell her after we agreed not to talk about it.
She stopped for a second and turned to me, I looked at her and back at Axl.
" Steven tell me.." she said quietly, her voice shaking.
As usual everything happened so fast and suddenly.
" he won't." Axl let out a sarcastic little Lough. Erin sat down on the stairs crying and Axl walked down 3 steps.
" that dickhead!" He pointed at me."cheated on Adriana with your best friend! Have you never wondered why she left the fucking house just like that and never came back? "
I glared at him and he smirked " yeah that's why . So don't fucking blame me for everything " he told her then wrapped Erin around in his arms and walked off.

 So don't fucking blame me for everything " he told her then wrapped Erin around in his arms and walked off

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She looked at me upset and hurt .
Slash sighed and walked out of the room , duff following him. The only one that staid was Izzy.
I walked over to her and opened my mouth to talk but she put her finger over it. " I stuck up for you for so long.. you made me look like an idiot." She sadly said and walked over to the door, izzy followed her but I had no time to think about that, I was too shocked and couldn't think straight about what has just happened.
I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to
Follow them , instead I went to our music room and decided to practise, I was getting shit and off beat because of my drug addiction and I knew with how much we argued, nothing stopped Axl from kicking me out.

Blairs POV:
It's not so much the fact that Steven fucked my ex -best friend  Luna , it's the fact he didn't tell me before asking me to be with him or whenever I stuck up for him. He made me look fucking stupid and I didn't want to listen to his crap or argue with him so I left the house.
" Blair ?" Izzy followed.
" thankyou for coming with me, it's late and I'm scared." I said stuffing my hands in my coat pockets.
I stopped for a minute and dug in my bag for my scarf and gloves. It was cold but there was no snow .
" it's fine " he smiled at me, I looked up from my bag and did the same.
" you wana do something fun?"I smirked.
" you ?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
I laughed it off and Shook my head wanting him to guess again.
" heroin? Not really" he sighed . My smile disappeared.
"It always has to be about drugs doesn't it?" I rolled my eyes "I meant go to the record store , for something to eat, whatever?"
" oh.. yeah that sounds good" we linked arms and walked off to the record store.
" hey Ian ". I waved at the owner.
" hey Blair ,anything new?" He was happy to see me.
" well I'm dating a rockstar" I let out a giggle.
" nice to meet you izzy" he walked over to izzy and they shook hands " well, she  told me she was friends with you guys when I mentioned 'the new band ' to her. Told her to check it out and she laughed at me. I didn't know what went on at first " he rolled his eyes causing us both to laugh.
" well here I am" izzy smirked .
" how long have you guys been dating?" Eric asked. Me and izzy exchanged a look.
" not us " izzy said." Her and Steven."
" oh I see, the blondie" he nudged me and smirked.
" yeah the dumb cunt" I sighed .
" that bad?"
" like you wouldn't believe Eric" I made a funny face expression." Right? Can me and izzy go upstairs to the music room and listen to some records?"
" go ahead . Lock the door though I don't want anyone even trying to go in there, whether you're there or not. " He smiled and let us go.
We found some records and made our way upstairs to the small
Music room which basically consisted of an amp, one electric guitar and a record player.
" this is the music room ?"
Izzy was confused. I locked the door.
" it isn't. It's just what I call it, it's his own little place but he lets me in here all the time." I smiled putting the records aside .
" weird " izzy shook his head .
" Eric's a good kid." I informed him.
" which record ?" I asked him but he shrugged .
" how about this nirvana single? It's a good one. The only thing they have out so far ."
" what is it?" He asked taking his jacket off.
" love buzz idiot, your the one who said I'd be perfect for Kurt cobain and you don't even know what his first single sounds like " I teased and took mine off too.
" shut up" he joked and patted the free space on the floor next to him,
I put love buzz on and sat down beside izzy. He put his arm around me and We shut our eyes and listened to the song , it really fucking makes you feel a special kind of way.
I suddenly felt izzys hand on my knee, he was making his way up my thigh.
Shit. I didn't want him to stop. Especially not while this song was playing . I kept my eyes closed and decided to let him do whatever it was that he was doing.
He stopped himself when he got to my pants and put his hand on my face instead, I opened my eyes and turned my head to face him. We made eye contact for a moment before kissing and then making out. I laid down and he laid on top of me .
Fuck why can I not resist him.
We continued kissing until he pulled away and took his shirt off and unzipped his pants .
" get on top" he mumbled and moved himself down .
I was wearing a skirt so it made things easier.
I got on top of him slowly and moaned, he gave me a massive smirk before we started fucking harder and faster.
At that moment, I didn't regret it.


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