Chapter 4

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Jenna's POV

Me and Demi walked outside and walked to her car I guess. It was white and really nice. She let go of my hand, opened the door and reached under my armpits picking me up to put me in the car seat. When she picked me up I could help but tense up. I don't like alot Of people holding me. Demi looked at me weird "Honey are you okay?" She asked worried. I didn't answer though, instead I just looked down at my buckle and played with it. She sighed patted my leg lightly "Jenna, can you look at me please?" I was scared to look at her. She already hates me.

I look up and she smiles at me and says "Jenna I promise that I will love you forever, and I will be a good mommy for you okay? If you ever need anything or want to talk or ask me anything, you can. Okay don't be scared. I love you." I smile a little and think about asking her a question. I open my mouth to say something "Demi?" "What's up baby girl?" "If I'm gunna live with you now, does that mean my mommy isn't coming back for me?"

Demi's POV

oh god. I thought this would happen. I take her hands in mine and look at her beautiful green eyes

"Listen Jenna, I bet your mommy loves you sooo much. But I'm sorry baby, she isn't going to come back. Now that doesn't mean she doesn't love you okay? She just had a few problems. You are my daughter now, and I am your new mommy. You don't have to call me mommy if you don't want to. You can call me whatever you want. But know that I love you. Okay baby girl?"

She looked up at me and smiled "Okay mommy". Oh my gosh I think my heart just melted.

I give her a big smile and kiss her forehead.

"Alright baby you ready to go home now?"

She nods her head with a big smile. "Haha okay you're all buckled up?" She looks down and says "yup!" With a little giggle.

I close her door and get in the front and drive off back to LA.

I pulled up to my drive way and look in the backseat to see my beautiful daughter sleeping. I don't want to wake her so I open her door, unbuckle her seatbelt, and carefully pick her up out of the car.

As I made my way up the driveway, right before I put the keys in the door, Jenna started moving around. SHe picked up her head looking confused.

"Hey baby it's just me. You fell asleep on the way home I didn't want to wake you. But we're home"

She looks up at the house and smiles then slowly puts her head back down on my shoulder. I giggle. "You tired?" She just moans, I guess I'll take that as a yes.

After I put her down on my bed and put her little backpack in her room, I sit down next to her and Take out my phone, snapping a picture of her. She just looks so cute!

I send the picture to my family's group chat 'look who's home everybody?!'
Maddie: OMG Demi can I come over please please please?!?!!😍

I text back: Maybe tomorrow, give her some time to settle in! Jeez mads ur never that excited to see me!😡😢

Maddie: Don't worry I still luv u sometimes demdem😘

I laugh at that and put my phone down and look down at Jenna. She starts to move around and she almost hugs herself, putting her arms around herself, and...oh no she's crying! She must be having a nightmare my poor baby.

I shake her slightly, "Jenna, baby, come on wake up it's mommy"

She opens her eyes up almost immediately and looks at me scared but then realizes who I am, and jumps into my lap with tears running down her cheeks.

"Mommy I scared please no more sleepy I scared!"

I hold her close to me and rock her back and forth "Don't worry baby it's okay nothing's going to happen to you, you're safe shhhhh"


So how is it so far????? This is my first fanfic! Please tell me what you'd like to read or if I need to do anything to improve it! Thanks (:

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