Chapter 29

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Demi's POV

I wake up and stretch. I look at the clock and it's 8 o'clock. I don't have to to to the studio today until 12 because I'm just going in for a meeting. Last night I called Jess and asked her if she'd come over for breakfast. I plan on telling her today about the tour. I'm honestly terrified on how she'll take it. But I'm also gonna ask her if she wants to go away for the weekend, just the two of us.

She'll be here in an hour so I jump into the shower really quick.

After I get out, I throw my hair in a messy bun and just put on sweats and a tshirt. I go downstairs and Jenna's sitting on the couch watching spongebob. I kiss her head and say "morning princess"

"Morning mommy"

"Wanna help me make breakfast?"

She nods and follows me into the kitchen. I say "pancakes, waffles, or French toast??"

"Pancakes! But with chocolate chips!"

I smile and say "okay".

I put all the ingredients in the bowl and give it to Jenna to mix. While she's mixing that, I flip them on the stove. After they're done I say "go wake up your sister please"


She runs upstairs and I set the table in the dining room and place the plate full of pancakes in the middle. The doorbell rings and I yell "come in!"

I poor coffee into my mug and feel two arms snake around my waist. I smile and lean my head back and say "Goodmorning"

She whispers "morning gorgeous" and kisses my neck. I say "you want some coffe?"

"Yes pleaseee"

I poor Jess a mug as well and walk them over to the table. She sits across from me and says "so why so early?"

"I have to be at the studio at 12 for a meeting"

"What for?"

"I-umm, that's kinda why I wanted you to come over. I need to tell you something."


I try to think in my head how to say this but nothing comes out. Jess says "Demi you're scaring me"

"Imgoingontourforthreemonthsintwoweeks" I spit out quickly.

Jess' eyes go wide and she says "please say that again, but alot slower."

I sigh and say "In two weeks I'm leaving for a three month tour...."

She sits there silently. I say "Listen, I really tried to push it back-"

"Why" she interprets me. She says "why are you only telling me this now"

I sigh and say "because I was too sacred to tell you"

She nods and bites the inside of her cheek. I learned that she does that when she's mad. I say "Jess please don't be mad, I am going to come home as much as possible. And I really plan to fly you out to some of the shows"

"Demi I can't just fly out to come see you. I work. And I need this job. I don't even have the money to fly out to see you."

"I'm going to pay, please"

She sighs loudly and leans back on the chair.

The girls walk in and Jenna says "Jessie!!!!" She loves calling her that.

Jess puts on a fake smile and says "Hey cutie!"

Bella says "why did I have to wake up so early?"

I say "Because I Made a big breakfast and I wanted everyone here"

Jenna sits next to Jess and Bella sits next to me. I say "well lets eat!"

I put two pancakes on my plate and Bella's. Jess puts two on hers and puts one on Jenna's. She knows how Jenna has issues with eating and tries her best to help when she's around. I say "Jess can you cut them up for her please?"

She nods her head as she continues to bite the inside of her cheek. She's pissed, I can tell. I guess this is our first official fight....

Were all eating and it's kinda quiet, besides Jenna singing and laughing. I guess she woke up in a good mood. Bella asks Jess "can Nicole come over today?"

She says "I'll call her when I'm done and see if she can"

Bella nods and continues to eat. I rub my foot against her leg under the table and she lightly kicks it away. I look at her and she just shakes her head. I put my head down and finish eating. When everyone's done, the girls go upstairs and I start cleaning the kitchen. I wash the dishes and turn around to see Jess tapping her finger on the table.

I finish cleaning and sit back down next to her. I say "please don't be mad..."

She laughs dryly and says "Demi we've been together for two fricken weeks and you're about to leave for 3 months"

"I really am sorry. But it's my job."

"Yea so you can't expect me to fly everywhere, because I need my job too"

I sigh and nod. I say "well for today can we just not think about it?"

She nods and says "I really don't like you right now but fine."

I smile a little and say "oh one more thing"

She groans "what"

I giggle and say "are you working this weekend?"

"No why?"

"Because we're going for a little weekend vacation "

"Demi no, I can't"

"Why not"

"I can't afford it right now okay and I'm not letting you pay for everything"

"Jess please! I'm trying my best to keep us together and I want to take you away, and just be with you."

"I'm not going anywhere Demi, I'm sorry but I can't right now. I'm paying for Nicole's aerial stuff and all my bills..." She says getting worked up and her eyes get teary.

"Oh babe okay, it's alright. I promise, we won't go"

"I'm sorry" she says.

"Why are you paying for Nicole's lessons? Those are expensive" I ask

She sighs and says "I haven't told you just happened last night and I didn't wanna call you last night because it was late"

"Jess what's going on?"


Okay so I need some more feedback.

I feel like I'm dragging this on too much?

Help me ouuut!


Should Jess come on tour?

Should she move in?

What should happen?

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