Chapter 18

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A/N : Sorry I kind of got stuck but I think I'm back so please comment and tell me what you think!


Demi's POV

I go take a shower while Bella does the same. Rissa already put Jenna to bed for me. Thank god. She's just been a bit jumpy today.
I get out and change into a pair of sweats and a tshirt. I walk into the bathroom and do my nightly routine. Wash my face and brush my teeth. After I'm done I jump into bed and turn the tv on. I start scrolling through twitter and realize I haven't tweeted in a while. I'll go on a little spree.
'Haven't been on in a while, soooo busy with my two beautiful girls!😘💖😊' I attach a picture of all three of us laughing.
People start asking about my music and I tweet 'Don't worry guys!!! I'm taking a month off, then back to the studio! Can't wait to show everyone what's to come! GET READDYYYY!!!!'

After that I get a text from Jessica
J-Hey I saw your tweets so I knew you were up. Lol I'm bored and thought I'd hit you up😋
D-Haha yea I'm up! Just got into bed actually, kind of an early night for once
J-For once? Not used to it, are you?
D- Well with my daughters it can be a late night sometimes. But both are fast asleep nice and early!☺
J-Well that's good! Maybe i can meet them one day? I love kids haha
D-Yea, maybe!
J-Haha yay! Can't wait
I smile but get pulled back when I hear my door creek open and see Bella's head peek in.
"Come in Bell, what's up?"
"I um...can I stay with you tonight...?"she asks quietly.
"Baby girl you never need to ask, hop in" I pull the covers off to let her come in. She snuggles up to me and lays on my chest. I kiss her forehead and take my phone out to text Jessica back, I snap a picture of me with her head down and send it to her
D-Spoke too soon, it's cuddle night 😝see you tomorrow, night!
J-AWWWW! That's adorable! Goodnight! See you tomorrow!😘
After that I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

"Mom! Jenna took my phone and won't give it back!"
"I'm playing flappy bird mommy! And she said I could!"
This is what I wake up to. I groan and get out of bed quickly going into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I throw my hair up in a messy bun while walking down the stairs to see Bella chasing Jenna around trying to get her phone back.
"Stop!" I shout and they both stop in their foot steps.
"Jenna give it back, and Bella do not yell again."
Jenna stomps her foot and gives it back to Bella. I walk into the kitchen and just make a bowl of cereal.
"Did you two eat yet?"I ask them.
"Yea I made us toast" Bella says from the living room.

It's 10 o'clock right now and Jessica's coming at 12. I walk into the living room and turn on Camp Rock because I know that'll keep Jenna busy while I get ready. Jenna sits down and Bella sits there on her phone.
"I'm getting ready, get me if you need me. And please. No fighting today"
Bella looks up "what are you getting ready for?"
"Oh I'm just going out with a friend today for a little bit. Rissa's gunna watch you two if that's okay?"
She nods her head.
I run upstairs and start straightening my hair since I slept with it up last night.

Once I'm done, I put on a little make up. Not alot though, because I don't wanna make it look like I'm trying too hard. I throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a white shirt with a leather jacket and combat boots. As I'm walking down the stairs Jessica texts me.
J- On my way!
I reach the bottom and Marissa is up now, and is watching camp rock with Jenna and Bella.

I sit down next to Bella and try to see what she's doing on her phone but she puts it down and looks at me weird. "What's the look for?" I ask.
"Nothing" she says quick before going into the kitchen.
I look at Rissa and say "just keep an eye on her please. And don't hesitate to send her upstairs please." She nods and says "Don't worry Demi, it's for a few hours. They'll be fine"
I sigh and say "alright, hey baby girl you gunna be good for Rissa right?"
Jenna looks up and says "yup!"
I kiss her forehead and stand up as Bella walks back in with a snack. I hear a car horn. I smile a little bit, then kiss Bella's head and say "be good I love you." She says "love you too bye"
I'm opening the door as I look back and say "No fighting either!" Then walk out to Jessica's car where she's standing outside of it. She smiles and says "Hey you look beautiful" as she gives me a warm welcoming hug.
"Aw thank you, you look amazing as well."
She lets go and opens the door for me and then gets in on the other side. As I'm putting my seatbelt on I say "so where are we going?" She giggles and says "well Starbucks would've been a good spot to get to know eachother but I called in sick for this soooo how about Urth?"
"Oh my gosh you called in sick?! You really don't have to do that!"
"Don't worry I wanted to" she says with that gorgeous, perfect smile.
"Finee. But Urth sounds good"

We drive 10 minutes to Urth in silence, but it was a nice, comfortable silence. After we find a table and order Jessica speaks up.
"Alright Ms.Lovato, I want to know you. Not the big famous pop star girl, but the beautiful one thats sitting Infront of me"
I can't help but smile at that. I say "Well what do you want to know Ms.......wait a second haha I don't even know your last name" I giggle.
She smiles and says "it's Leonard"
"Okayy, well Ms.Leonard, what would you like to know?"
"What have you been doing since you're off for the month?"
"Just enjoying every moment I can with my daughters" I say with a smile
"How old are they?"
"Well Jenna is 7 and Isabella is 12"
"The pictures you post of them are absolutely adorable"
"Awww thanks, I love them"
"That's amazing"
"What is?" I say while I take a sip of my drink.
"It's just, you're this big famous pop star, yet you're so humble and caring. I mean you adopted two adorable girls and you seem the perfect and responsible mom."
I blush at this and say "Wow thanks. I mean it definitely is challenging but I can keep a handle on them"
"Well that's good ahaha"
There it is again. That smile is gorgeous.
"So what about you gorgeous?" I ask.
"What about me?" She raises her eyebrow.
I smile and say "Where are you from?"
"Well I grew up in Chicago and moved out here when I was 15 to get into acting."
"That's awesome! Have you been able to do any acting?" I ask excitedly.
"Yea sort of. Alot of commercials mostly. It's been kind of hard with money so Im really trying to get a big role. My family needs it."
"You're whole family lives here?"
"Yea, I live with my mom, and my two younger sisters who by the way will freak when they find out about this ahaha"
"Aw! Well hey, I can talk to my gent and see if he can help you out"
"Really?! I can't let you do that"
"She's off for the month babe don't worry she won't mind doing a little searching"
Wait a second....I just called her babe. It just slipped out. I didn't mean to. But I kinda liked it...? Here we go.
"Well thank you alot Dem, really."
"Of course" I give a little smile.
"Well I actually gotta go pick up my sister from practice, do you mind if we pick her up on our way to your house?"
"Yea sure!"
I wave the waiter over for the check and right before I can look Jess snatches it and says "I'm paying"
"Jess, no. You just told be about having money issues. Let me do this please?"
She shakes her head and says "No I don't care. I will always treat a pretty girl to lunch."
I can't help but blush and she says "Awww you're getting all red!"
"No I'm not! Stopp!" I hit her shoulder.
She laughs and says "Alright come on let's go"
She opens the door for me and then takes off to pick up her sister.
We just make small talk on the way there until we pull up to the building. Then I realize where I am
"Wait a minute! I know this place!"
Then I see two girls walking towards the car. "Oh my gosh I had no idea!"



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