Chapter 15

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Bella's POV

I've been laying in bed for an hour and I still can't fall asleep. It's probably because i slept all day. I Sigh and jump out of bed because I'm not even tired. I walk towards the stairs and hear Demi and Marissa laughing in the living room. I quietly walk downstairs and sit next to Demi.
"Honey what are you doing up?"

"I can't sleeeeep" I whine a little and giggle. She wraps her arms around me as i lean on her shoulder. "Maybe it's because you slept all day, and wait a second?! Who said you wouldn't be able to sleep if you slept all day?" she says with a smirk.
"Ha ha ha okay you were right. But im really not tired at all. Can i stay down here with you guys please?" She looks at the clock and it's 10 o'clock.
"Fine, but you're back in bed by 12. Got it?" I give her a salute and say "yes ma'am" and giggle. Marissa laughs and Demi says
"Hey don't encourage her!" I smile as Marissa backs me up. She says "Come on Dem, she is seriously a mini you. The attitude especially." I smile and bat my eyes at Demi as she rolls her eyes. "Yea well the attitude has got to go." Demi says looking down at me. I nod my head, giving her my understanding.

It's now 11:55. Demi went upstairs a little while ago saying she was tired. So me and Marissa hung out for a while watching TV. We talked alot and i really like her. She stands up and says "Alright kiddo, time for bed."
I groan and say "come onnn, im not tireddd." Marissa turns off the tv and says "You know what your mom said. It's 12 o'clock you gotta go to bed Bella. And I'm tired too. So let's go."

"No." Oh no. Im getting mad again. I can feel it inside of me. I feel my face get hotter.

"Bella let's go. I don't want to go get Demi, that will just get you in more trouble."


"Bella! Don't yell at me! When you're mom goes back to work I will be the one looking after you, so you better show me some respect!" She said in a whisper yell.

I run upstairs into Demi's room and get under the covers trying not to cry. I shake her lightly and whisper "Mommy..." but she doesn't budge. I shake her a little more and say "Mommy!" a little louder. She picks her head up and says "What's wrong? Are you alright?" I shake my head and she holds me. "What's wrong Bella"

"I-I'm mad. And i can't stop it. I y-yelled at Marissa. I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to watch tv. And she wouldn't let me. I yelled at her, I'm sorry."

"Shhhh baby it's alright. Thank you for telling me, but you need to apologize to Rissa." I nod my head and say "What's wrong with me mommy?"

"Nothing is wrong with you honey, you just need to learn how to control yourself; and maybe we can get a doctor to help us."
My hands are curled up tightly into fists. "No you can't do that. I don't want to go to a doctor!" I say getting angry again.

Demi's POV

"Bella you need to calm down right now." I say harshly.
"No! I don't want to go to a doctor! I'm fine! I don't want them giving me pulls like they did before! I don't want them! I won't!" She yells at me while squeezing her hands shut tightly.
I put my hands over hers and say "Baby let go of your hands, this is you getting angry. I understand you can't control it. Let me help. Relax your hands, take a deep breath, and count down from ten."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright baby, lets get some sleep and talk in the morning okay?"
She nods her head and says "Can I stay here with you?"
"Of course. Now get some sleep. I love you"
She yawns and says "I love you too" before cuddling into me.

I wake up to the feeling of two people on me. I open my eyes and see Bella's head on my chest and Jenna's head on my stomach. I smile at my two beautiful girls. But that goes away quickly when I realize that I need to get Bella help. They said she had severe depression for a whole, but she got over it. I think this is bipolar disorder but I won't jump to conclusions. I slide out of bed without waking up the girls and they quickly cuddle up to eachother. I kiss both of them and then go downstairs to see Marissa awake already.
"Morning Riss" I say through a yawn
I sit next to her and pull a blanket over my lap "Bella came up last night and told me what she did, and I'm sorry she yelled at you. Don't worry she'll be punished for it"
"It's alright Dem, it just came out of no where! I was a little shocked. She got really mad."
"Yea...I um, I have a feeling she might have bipolar disorder."
"I told her maybe a doctor could help, ya know get her some meds; but she automatically said no. I think it's because when she was at the orphanage she was really depressed and was always at the psychiatrist, but I think she needs it."
Marissa hugs me and says "You're a great mom Dem, and I know you'll make the right decision. Just trust yourself. Even if she gets mad, you know she won't be mad forever"
I nod my head and say "thank-"
But get cut off from a yelling above us.
I look up and it's a red faced Bella.

Sorry if its short, ill update more today ! Because SNOW DAYYYY! Wooohoo and thank you so much for the reads! The more votes the more updates!

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