Chapter 11

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Demi's POV

I woke up from a scream. I jumped out of bed practically falling over my own two feet before running into Jenna's room. "What's wrong baby, are you alright?"
She was sitting up in her bed crying. She stuttered "I-I had a b-bad dream"
I picked her up when I noticed she was all wet. She started crying more. "Shhhhh baby it's fine. Don't worry it's okay"
She had her arms wrapped around my neck as she continued to cry.
"Jenna these dreams have been going on for a while. Can you tell mommy what's happening in them please?"
She shook her head.
I sighed and looked at the clock. It said its 4:23 am. Great.
"Okay well lets put you in a shower really quick so we can go back to bed"
She looked up at me "Can I go to your bed mommy?"
"Sure baby."
I kissed her head and put her in the shower and told her to wash herself while I stood outside of the bath supervising.

After she was all clean I wrapped her in a towel, dried her off, changed her into a new pair of pajamas and brushed her hair. "Okay you go get in Mommys bed, I'm going to out this in the was ill be right there." She nodded and ran into my room while I stripped everything off her bed, with her pajamas and threw them in the wash. When I got back into my room, she was already fast asleep. I carefully got in and wrapped my arms around her little body and fell back asleep.

Jenna's POV

The next morning I woke up in Mommys arms. I love sleeping with her. I feel warm and safe. I turned around so I was facing mommy and she was still sleeping. I was hungry though. I poked Mommys face but she didn't move. I said "mommmmmy wake up!" She still didn't get up though. I wiggled out of her arms and sat on her tummy. I held onto her nose and said "Mommy! Wake up!"
Her eyes opened and she pulled me off of her and cuddled me. She whispered "Shhhh Mommys tired"
"But mommy I'm hungry"
She groans and says "Okay how about we go out to a diner? Mommy doesn't want to cook today." I jumped up and started jumping on the bed "okay!!!" Mommy laughed and pulled me back down and tickled me.

Demi's POV

I thought maybe I can go by the care center that Bella was at and take her out for the day, and get to know her. I got Jenna and myself dressed and got in the car driving towards the center. I look back at Jenna "hey baby is it okay if someone else comes with us?" She says "who? Rissa?!" Excitedly. I laugh. "No, a girl. Her name is Bella. She's older than you."
"Okay mommy"
I smile as we pull up to the center.

I have Jenna by my side holding my hand as I ring the bell and a man answers the door "How may I help you?"
"Hi my name is Demi, Demi Lovato. I know how the whole adoption thing works, and I was wondering if I could spend the day with one of the kids to see if I'd be interested in adoption?"
He gave me a genuine smile and nodded before allowing me inside.

After I asked for Bella. He told me she has severe depression, and also dealt with a bad past. He said she is 12 years old. "Wow she looks older" I said.
"Yea a lot of people say that. But hold on one moment and ill get her from her room" I nodded and waited with Jenna on my lap.

A minute later both of them came down. She looked shocked to see me. But thank god she was cleaned up. She looked healthier. I smile and say "Hi Bella." She smiles back and says "Uhh hi"
The man says "Ms.Lovato would like to take you out for the day."
"Oh alright um, thanks."
I smile and stand up "Alright well lets go!"

Jenna walks up to Bella and says "Hi my names Jenna and I'm 7!" I smile at how excited Jenna is. Bella smiles and says "Hi im Bella! I'm 12, and you're pretty!" Jenna giggles and looks at me and says "Mommy Bella says I'm pretty!"
"Yea baby I heard! What do you say?"
She turns around and says "thank you! You're pretty too!"
Bella smiles and says "thanks"

We get in the car and Bella sits next to me. As I'm driving I look over at Bella and she's looking out the window and Jenna's singing along to the radio.
I turn the music down and Jenna says "hey! Mommy I was singing!" I ignore her and say "So Bella, want to get some breakfast with us?"
"Um sure. That sounds good."
I smile and pull into our regular diner.

They seat us and Jenna and I sit next to eachother with Bella across from us.
I have Jenna my phone to keep her busy and talk to Bella. I break the silence and say
"So how are you?"
"I'm good i guess"
"You guess?"
She giggles "Well I mean, I am out to breakfast with Demi lovato, that's pretty fucking awesome"
My eyes go wide "Woah um watch the language. I got a 7 year old right here"
She laughs and says "Oh I'm sorry."
"It's alright. But aren't you a little young. I mean you're 12, how can you be talking with that language? Not to be rude."
"No it's alright, I mean. I live in a care home with tons of troubled kids. It's all they do. Yell at eachother, cuss, sometimes it gets violent."

I can't believe everything she's telling me. We eat and then get back into the car. "How about we go to the beach and just walk around for a little?" Jenna yells "yay!!!!"
"Jenna Marie don't shout!"
"Sorry mommy"
Bella laughs and says "Okay.".

We're walking on the beach right now. Well me and Bella are. Jenna's running Infront of us in and out of the water.
"So Bella, is the care center good? I mean, are they treating you well?"
"Well I've been there since I was 6. So it's Been six years. I'm used to everything and everyone but I wish I could leave."
"Would you mind me asking what happened the other night? When I found you at the park?"

She slowed down and wouldn't look up at me. "Umm I kinda got in trouble, and well I just ran away. But I was gonna go back! I promise." She said a little scared.
"Don't worry I won't tell anyone. It's alright. But what were you running away from?"
She was thinking about telling or not. I could tell.
"Here why don't we sit down for a little." I sit down and call Jenna over. She sits on my lap. Bella sits down next to me and smiles at Jenna. Jenna says "Hi." Bella smiles and says "hi cutie" which makes Jenna giggle.

"So what's going on?"
"Why are you doing this?" Bella blurted out. I was caught by surprise.
"What do you mean?"
"Demi I get it okay, you felt bad so you take me out for the day. Then you meet the real me. Change your mind. And take me back to the care home. I've been through it enough to know the procedure. So why are you doing this?" My eyes went wide. I'm a little shocked.

I sigh and say
"Since you feel that way-" Bella cut in by standing up and says "So you want to take me back right? Whatever I'm used to it."

I pull her hand and sit her back down. "You didn't let me finish, I was going to say, I kind of already planned something. I just wanted to see if you would like me and Jenna."

"Why would that matter?" She snapped at me.
"Because I kind of thought Jenna could use a big sister....I really wanna give you a good home. I know you have another side to you. You're just putting up that wall. And I understand why. But I think I can get that wall down, and give you a good home."

She sits there and thinks for a while before looking up at me and says "Im sorry." I look at her confused. "Why? What's wrong?"
"I'm just, I'm sorry for being rude. This is why I never get adopted. Because I'm a bitch to everyone just because I'm scared. I'm sorry Demi, but I really want to go home with you please!" She says with tears in her eyes.

I take Jenna off my lap and hug Bella. "Honey I promise you it will be okay. You don't have to be sorry. You had a rough past. But it'll get better. I promise okay?"
"Thank you Demi. Really."
"You're welcome. Now how about we go get your stuff, and bring you home. For good." I say with a smile and a reassuring hug.

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