Chapter 5

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Jenna's POV

I woke up in Demi's arms. She was hugging me and it made me feel better. Maybe she really does love me.

I look up at smile at her. She
Smiles back and says "you okay now?" I just yawn and and nod yes. She picks me up and walks out to the living room and says "alright baby girl lets get something in your tummy so we can shopping!" I just smile and wrap my little arms around her neck. She puts me on the counter and says "how does a ham and cheese sandwich sound? I'm not really good at cooking" I giggle and say "otayy" She laughs and starts tickling me, I laugh and scream "ahhhhh mommy please st-stoppp!"

She picks me up and says "You know im really happy I got to take you home"

I smiles and put my head on her chest.

I just finished my sandwich and I jump off the big chair and look up at Mommy. She looks down at me and says "Alright baby you wanna go shopping now? We need to get you some pretty clothes and toys!"

"Yayyy! Can I get barbies!?"

She picks me up bringing me towards the door and says "Baby you can have whatever you want. Today is all about you! Now go get your shoes on cutie" she pinches my butt a little and puts me down.

I run over to get my shoes and sit on the staircase. I put my feet in them, but I can't tie the laces. No one ever taught me. I start to cry a little because its embarrassing. Mommy walks past me and says excitedly "alright lets go Jenna!" But then she looks at me and quickly runs over.

"Baby what's wrong?" I don't say anything, I just look down at my feet. She picks my chin up and says "Hey there's nothing wrong with asking for help okay? Mommy will teach you tomorrow, but for now let me tie them so we can go." I nod slowly with tears going down my cheeks. She ties them and kisses my forehead before picking me up. I don't know why but I can't stop crying. When mommy tied my shoes, I wish that my real mommy would....

We walk outside and she puts me in the big seat in the car but I'm still crying. Mommy says "Baby come on it's okay that you didn't know" I just shake my head and look down at my little hands. "Jenna what's wrong, don't you wanna go get toys?" I can't say yes though. I want my mommy. Without looking at her I quickly say "I want my mommy!"

"I'm right here honey and I'm not going anywhere" mommy says and kisses my cheek. I cry more and kick my legs "No! I want my weal mommy! I want my mommy!"

Demi's POV

I can't believe this is happening. We were doing so well. Ugh.

I pick her up out of the car and away slowly and hum in her ear as she keeps throwing a tantrum.

After about 20 minutes she stops crying and looks up at me. "Baby, I want you to know that I love you. With all my heart. I'm sorry that your real mommy can't be here. But maybe you can tell me some things that she would do with you, so then I can do then and make you feel better?"

"Well mommy always played dwess up with me until daddy would come home. Then she make me go to bed. But I like playing dress up!"

I smile and say "Okay we will buy all the dress up stuff you want and we can play when get back home"

She smiles and nods her head. I put her back in the car and drive off towards the mall.

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