Chapter 62

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Jessica's POV

It's been a month of tour so far, and it's been good. Unfortunately Maddie had to go back home but besides that it's been pretty much smooth sailing. The girls are doing well with schooling, and for the most part they get along well. We just pulled up to the next arena, and to be honest, I have no idea where we are but it's freezing. Standing up from the couch in the front lounge, I leave Nikki, Bella and Jenna to get Demi out of bed. She was having a rough night last night, so I just let her sleep all day till we reached the arena.

*Knock Knock*

"Babe? You gotta get up now. We're at the arena" I hear her groan and let out a nasty cough. Opening the door icons face to face with my sick girlfriend. Her face is pale and her nose is red, as she is bundled up with tons of blankets. Sighing I sit on the side if the bed and feel her forehead. "Demi. You're burning up. Look at you, baby you can't perform like this". In between heavy coughs she says "yes I can, I have to" as she tries to sit up. I lightly push her shoulders down so she lays down again. I say "I'm gunna go talk to Natalie and see what we can do, I'll try to get a doctor. But until then you're not leaving this room, okay?" She sighs before nodding and closing her eyes again. I kiss her hot forehead before walking back out to the front lounge.

"Can you two watch Jenna for a few minutes while I go try to find Natalie?" I ask the two older girls. They nod their heads, while watching some weird movie. "And get anything Demi asks for! Jenna; maybe you can try to go give mommy some cuddles?" She smiles and nods before jumping off the couch and wobbling towards the back room. I hear a faint 'no' come from Demi's ill voice before I hear "Jesssss!"

Walking into the room "yeah babe?"

"I don't want the kids in here, I don't wanna get them sick. Can you please keep them out?"

"Yeah, sorry I told Jenna to come in here. I'll just take her with me"

She nods before coughing again and wiping her nose. I smile and lean down for a kiss that gets blocked quickly with Demi's hand. "Babe, no. I'll get you sick"

"You really think I care? I haven't kissed those lips all day, you're not about to stop me"

She shakes her head and tucks her lips away. I smirk and raise an eyebrow, laughing as she mimics my actions terribly. I lunge towards her, squeezing her sides causing her to let out a loud laugh. I take my chance and cup her face between my hands and connect our lips, and I feel the same sparks that flew the first time we ever kissed. I feel her hands roam down my waist towards my bottom. Swiping my tongue over her bottom lip I try to get get entrance but she won't let me. I groan and suddenly feel a sharp pain on my bottom cashing me to jump up. "Did you just pinch my butt?!"

"Did you just force me to kiss you?!" she says back.

"Im pretty sure you kissed back though, so no, I did not force you to kiss me" I say before winking and standing up. Turning around I lean down and peck her lips again before saying "K I'm gunna go find Natalie, go back to sleep"

"I'll try, I love you"

"I love you too, gorgeous"

After 29 minutes of wandering around the arena, which I found out, is called the Izod Center in New Jersey; I finally found Natalie setting up Demi's dressing room. Walking into the room I say "Hey Nat?"

"Hey, what's up?" She says while putting water bottles in the mini fridge. "Uh, is there anyway we can get a doctor here? Or if we can go to a doctor?"

"Why, who's sick?"

"Demi, and i honestly don't think she can perform like this. She was up all night last night, and she's been trying to sleep now, but she's burning up, her body is sore, and she's got a horrible cough"

"Shit. Seriously? You don't think she can pull it off tonight?"

"Maybe if we can get a doctor to get some kind of meds in her. But she'd need it like now if you expect her to be able to go on tonight"

"Alright, umm- you go back to her and I'll find a doctor". Nodding my head, I walk back to the bus to see all three girls watching frozen for the millionth time. I lean down and leave a kiss on Nikki's forehead and say "You guys are okay?" She nods quickly, watching the movie. I ask, "Did Demi need anything when I was gone?" Nikki nods and says "She wanted some tea, I gave it to her". "Alright, thank you. If you need anything I'll be in the back"

Walking back to the room, opening the door I can't believe what I saw, "oh god, Demi!"

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