Chapter 8

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Demi's POV

Me, Dallas, Mom, and Eddie sat around the island in the kitchen just talking for a while about everything. But mostly Jenna. I just love her so much. She's so cute. Mom stood up and said "Alright we need to get going. Maddie has aerial soon." I nodded, " I'll go get her upstairs." I ran upstairs and heard laughing from the playroom. Before i opened the door i listened to their conversation. Maddie said "You know that Demi is a singer?" Oh no. I didn't want to tell her that yet. I don't want her to ger nervous or anything.

Before Jenna could respond i walked in and said "You gotta go Mads you have aerial soon." She nodded and hugged Jenna and then me. "Love you Dems, bye Jenna!" I smiled and said "Love you too babygirl. And hey, anytime you wanna comeover and play with her or just to be here just call me." I kissed her head as she walked downstairs to get her stuff.

I picked up Jenna and said "Did you have fun with Maddie?" She nodded and giggled. "What's so funny???" She shrugged her shoulders and then hugged me. I smiled and kissed her head. "So what did you and Maddie do?" I say as i walking down the hall towards the stairs to walk out the family. Jenna picked her head up and said "Maddie said you teach her words so she teach me words!" She said excitedly. "What kind of words baby?" She giggled and whispered in my ear, "bitch and shit. Maddie said to say bitch when a girl be mean to me. And shit when i do someting not good!" My eyes widened.

I screamed "MADISON DELAGARZA! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TEACH MY DAUGHTER?!" Right before she was out the door i grabbed her arm. "Madison i swear to god if you tell her to say one more word like that i will make sure you never leave the house again. get it?" She was trying to hold in her laugh. "Take the smirk off your face Maddie before i tell mom."

Okay maybe i was a little immature for saying that but whatever. She's still my little sister. And she always thinks she's too smart for me! She looked at me and laughed "Yea right, you wouldn't dare." I raise my eyebrow, "Wanna bet???" She just rolled her eyes and laughed. "Fine, MOM!..." Maddie smacked my arm "No Demi come onnnnn, im sorry i won't do it again please don't!" Mom walked over "What demi?" I looked at Jenna, then Maddie and said "Oh nothing just wanted to say goodbye." I gave mom a hug then put Jenna down before huging Maddie. As i hugged Maddie i whispered in her ear, " Im still your older sister. I can still beat the shit out of you just like before." She laughed and said "Yea yea yeaa, alright im sorry bye love you" I laughed and kissed her head before closing the door.

I turned around but Jenna wasn't there. "Jenna????" No answer. Then I heard a giggle. I smiled and said "okayy Im coming!"

I looked around the living room but I couldn't find her. Then I went into the kitchen. Nothing again. That's when I realized she loves the theater. I ran into the theater and saw her little feet behind one of the curtains.

"Mmmmm I wonder where she is???" I say out loud. She giggles again right before I open the curtain. "Ha! I found you!!!!" I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder before dropping her on the couch as I tickled her. I love hearing her laugh. After she was almost in tears from laughing so much I stopped and kissed her.

She looked up at me and smiled. I said "what's up baby?" She just smiled and said "I love you mommy"

I smiled big and said "Guess what?"


I whispered "I love you more"

She smiled and shook her head. She said "No mommy I love you more!"

We argued back and forth like that for a few minutes before she gave up.

I love being a mom


Can you leave me comments and just tell me what you want to read??? What I should do to make it better? Just something please!

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