Chapter 28

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Demi's POV

Its been two weeks since Jess asked me to be her girlfriend. And im now back to working also. Everything's been amazing. The girls are really starting to like Jess which is great. But Bella unfortunately didn't make the soccer team we sent her film to.

She was upset, but thank god Jess surprised her with tickets to the USWNT soccer game last week.

She showed me pictures and they had a blast.

I've been putting this off for a while now and I guess I should let everyone know that in two weeks I'm going on tour around North America. I've put it off for so long just because I'm scared to tell them. I tried begging my manager, Phil to move it back just one more month but he said it'd be impossible.

Right now the girls and I are jumping around on the trampoline. It's finally starting to get warm out again.

Jenna yells "mommy watch this!"

She jumps up and bounces on her butt then pops back on her feet. I clap "good job baby girl!"

She laughs and says "you do it!"


I jump up and do the same that she did, which caused her to laugh.

Jenna says "Bella do your flip!"

She giggles "ok ok"

Jenna and I stand close to the side of the net and Bella does a back flip. Jenna gets so excited it's funny.

After another good twenty minutes of jumping around we all sit down. Jenna's sitting in between my legs and Bella's laying on her stomach across from me. I say "alright I have some news"

Bella says "good or bad?"

"Depends on how you take it, I think it's good"

She cocks her eyebrow and says "this should be good"

I must say, for the three months she has been here, she has got more attitude than I ever had as a kid. And that's saying alot.

I say "In two weeks I'm starting a tour across North America..."

They're both silent for a few seconds. Jenna says "so you're leaving us at home?"

"No princess. You two will come with me every where. And we'll live on a big bus"

She nods her head indicating she understands. I look at Bella and she's got a blank look on her face. I say "Bell? You okay with this?"

She says "Yea i guess"

"Tell me what you think baby"

"I'm fine with it" she says bluntly.

"Okay we'll talk later then"

She nods her head and stands up getting off the trampoline. I say "where are you going?"

"Shower" she says quickly.

I sigh and say to Jenna "c'mon princess, time to get ready for bed"

She whines "but I'm not tired yettt"

"But I'm tiredddd" I whine back at her. She says "okay mommy ill tuck you in tonight"

I giggle and say "okay, can you carry mommy to bed please?"

She shakes her head and says "mommy I'm not that strong"

I laugh and pick her up, walking her inside. I bring her upstairs to her room and hear Bella's music playing in the bathroom. I say "lets go to my bathroom okay?"

She nods and rubs her eyes. I laugh and say "and you said you weren't tired"

I just put Jenna to bed after telling her about tour and she's excited. So one daughter down, one to go! Haha

I walk into Bella's room and she's watching tv. By the way, I have her everything back after one week. And she's been doing well with anger stuff. We ended up going to a doctor. He sent us to a therapist, and then prescribed her a mild-bipolar medication. And she goes to a therapy session twice a week.

I lay down next to her and pull her close to me. She snuggles into me and I say "So tell me what's going on in that head?"

She says "I'm scared"

"Of what"

"All of it. It's not like I've been with you and all the fame stuff that much. You just came back from vacation like two weeks ago."

"So you're scared of what? The paparazzi and fans?"

She shrugs her shoulders. I say "You know it isn't really that bad. Yea, sometimes it sucks, but really is fun"

She looks up and says "how? You leave early in the morning and come home late"

"Yea, but I have fun while doing it. It's like you getting to play soccer all the time, whenever you want to. And then it's like...say everytime you score a goal? You get paid alot of money for it"

"So we're like really rich, right?"

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you are any different from anyone else "

She nods her head and says "so how long is the your?"

"3 months"

"Okay, well I guess I'll get used to the paps, but what about therapy?"

"I have a whole team. Including a therapist that will be on call"

She nods and puts her head back down. I play with her hair and say "Im really proud of you baby, you're doing really well with everything."

She yawns and says "thanks"

I smile and say "And remember, everyone on this tour will be like a big family, you can go to anyone to talk to okay?"

She laughs and says "yea okayy everyone beside Max"

I laugh and say "true"

She turns over indication she wants me to rub her back. We found out it puts her to sleep easily. So I softly rub her back until she's fast asleep. I whisper "goodnight Bella, I love you"

I walk out and take a shower for myself and get in bed. I tweet '@ddlovato: SO ready for this tour to start!!!!! Two weeks and I get to be on the rode!!!!! YAY"

I retweet a few fans and fall asleep smiling. I can't wait for the future.


This is just a filler!

I've already got an idea for the next chapter

It'll probably be up tomorrow!

Please still comment and tell me what you think!

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