Chapter 19

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Demi's POV

I see two girls walk towards the car, one of them being Madison, my baby sister. She's 14 now. I look back at Jess
"Nicole is your sister?!"
She laughs and says "Yes? How do you know her?"
"Because Madison is my sister!" I say excitedly.
I've been around Nicole and Maddie a few times when I visit my moms house. When they get closer to the car Maddie sees me as starts running to the car and I get out as she says "Demiiii!!!!!"
I pick her up in a big hug and say "Baby girl!"
I put her down and say hi to Nicole and then get back in the car. The two of them get in the back and Maddie says "Uh Dem, no offense but what are you doing here?" I look at Jess and smile.
"Me and Jessica were just getting some lunch. And how could you not tell me you knew my sister?!" I say directed towards Jess.
She shrugs her shoulders and says "How was I supposed to know she was your sister?!"
I laugh and remember that she wasn't really a fan of me. She smiles and starts driving away. We're jamming to the radio when I get a text from Bella
B-When are you coming home?
I look at the clock and it's almost 5 o'clock wow we talked for a while.
D-Im on my way baby, everything okay?
B-Jenna won't eat and she's being annoying.
D-Go to the quiet room and wait for me there. Let Rissa handle Jenna ill be there soon
I look back at Maddie, "Wanna come over? Bella could use a friend right now, Jenna's starting to piss her off"
Maddie giggles and says "sure"
Jess looks at me with a questioning look, I just smile back at her.

We pull up to my house and Maddie runs into the house after saying bye to Nicole. Jess walks around and gets the door for me. I smile and say
"Well thank you for today, I had a good time."
"No problem, can we do it again soon?"
I smile and say "Yea id like that"
She smiles and kisses my cheek before giving me a hug.
I smile as I pull away and say "Bye, call me later"
"Okay bye"
I wave and say "Bye Nicole!"
She waves back and says "Bye demi!"

Bella's POV

Ive been in the quiet room for the like 20 minutes now and Demi isn't here yet. Marissa and Jenna keep knocking on the door to let them in because I locked it. They're making me so mad and Jenna's just being annoying. Then I heard the front door open and someone yelled "BELLLLLAAA!"
I knew that wasn't Demi though. There was another knock at the door this time someone said "Yo it's Maddie let me in"
"No! Where's Demi?" I said from the thee side of the door.
"I don't know she should be here any second, come on just come out Bell"
"I said no! Just go away!" I yelled.

"Isabella Lovato do not yell or use that tone with her. Now open this door right now."
Now I knew that was Demi, but now she's mad at me. Great.
I unlock the door and just sit there with my head down. She sits down next to me and the first thing she says is "Give me your phone."
"What?! No! I didn't do anything!"
"Do you hear how you're talking? Bella. Phone now."
I roll my eyes and slap it in her hand.
I hear her take a deep breath, almost like she's trying to keep herself from getting mad.
"Now tell me what happened" she says
"Nothing." I snapped back. I'm not in the mood to talk to her or anyone.
"Bella come on you need to talk to me if you're not going to talk to anyone else."
"I don't feel like talking."
"Explain to me how you just texted me 20 minutes ago asking when ill be home because Jenna was being annoying. , and now nothing?"
I just shrug my shoulders. She sighs again "Bella it's you talk to me or it's counselors."
My eyes go wide "NO!"
She puts me in her lap and says "Honey then just talk to me please. I'm your mom, ill always listen to you and i can keep all your secrets."
I sigh and say "I don't know. Jenna wouldn't eat when Marissa made her food. So I tried helping her because it usually works but she hair screamed at me. I got mad but I kept trying to help. But then Marissa told me to just go play or something and she would help Jenna. I wanna help her not Marissa."
I look up and Demi's smiling.
"Why are you smiling?!" I say getting a little mad.
"Because it's cute, you were jealous that Rissa was helping Jenna instead of you. Baby you just need to realize that Rissa's an adult and she does know more than you. Now not in a bad way, but sometimes you gotta let the adults do their thing"
I just not my head and look down. Demi kisses my head and says "But you're an amazing big sister Bella, understand?"
I smile and say "yea"
I stand up and am about to open the door when Demi says "Hey you're forgetting something."
I look back and say "Huh?"
"Get over here squirt" she says while pulling me down ontop of her and hugging me so tight I can't move. "Ahhh mom I can't breathe!!!" I say while giggling. But she doesn't let go. I lick her hand and she says "Ew! Oh my gosh did you just lick me?!"
I laugh and say "Me?! Never!"
She flips me over so she's ontop of me and says "Well now you can get a million sloppy wet kisses!"
"Nooooo! Please let me gooo!" I yell as she starts kissing all over my face making me laugh.
She finally stops and lets me up and I see Maddie at the door recording everything that hair happened. I hide behind her as she's laughing and Demi says "Oh Maddie you want some too?!"
"No stay away from me!"
And we both run downstairs to the living room where Rissa and Jenna are saying "Hide ussss!"


Sorry if its short. I just felt like I needed to update something so here it is. PLEASE KEEP COMMENTING. ill try to update as much as I can, I'm just going through a little rough patch right now with recovery and personal stuff. Hope you understand

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