Chapter 21

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Jessica's POV

This is why I came back today. I wanted to see her. And I wanted this to happen. Maybe were moving a little too fast but I can't help myself. She started to lean in first, so how can I not?
Before I know it, I feel her lips on mine. My stomach has butterflies and I can't help but feel a little spark. It was nice. I pull away slowly and look into her eyes. She says "Im sorry, I just-I couldn't-" I kiss her again for a little longer and pull away to see a beautiful smile on her face. I say "Don't be sorry, that was perfect."
She smiles even bigger and says
"It was" followed by giggles and her cheeks go red. I can't help but laugh at her. She says defensively, "Hey don't laugh at me!"
"I can't help it! I'm sorry, you just look so cute when you blush"
She tries to hide it with her hands. I pull her hands off her face so they're laying in mine and say "Don't hide it"
She smiles again and I peck her lips. I look at the clock and it's a little past 9 o'clock.
I stand up and say "I really should get going". Demi whines and says "Noooo"
I can't help but smile "What? You don't want me to gooo?" I say teasingly and trace my finger from her collarbone and up her jaw line. I can tell I gave her the chills, she giggles and says "No, I want you to stay." I sit down and say "Demi, I think I like you." She laughs and says "Well yea id hope so." I roll my eyes and say "No demi, I think I really like you. I've known you for two days and I can feel myself falling for you. I don't wanna ruin anything."
She nods and says "Yea, I get it. I think I'm falling too"
I smile at that and say "I just want this to work, and I don't wanna take it too fast okay?"
She smiles and nods saying "I agree"
I smile again and kiss her soft lips one more time before standing up.
"I should probably find Nicole. Care to help me? I think I might get lost in this castle"
She laughs a real, loud laugh. I can't help but laugh. It's contagious. She gets up and picks up a sleeping Jenna while whispering "let me just put this one in bed first." I nod and follow her upstairs into Jenna's room.

Demi's POV

I tuck Jenna in and give her a kiss before turning her night light on. I close the door, leaving it open a little to see Jess with a huge smile on her face. "What are you smiling at?" I say.
She says "That was the cutest thing ever". I smile and grab her hand, leading her downstairs. I say "They're probably still out back".
As expected, all three girls are laying on the trampoline talking and laughing. Before I walk out I pull Jess back and whisper "Lets scare them". Jess smirks and says "I knew there was a reason why I liked you". I smirk and say "Oh really?" She pulls my waist close to her and whispers "I'll just have to find more and more reasons everyday" before pecking my lips. I smile big and say "Okay stop being all flirty were on a mission here!"
She laughs and lets go saying "alright alright what are we doing"
"How about we go by the bushes over there, and just start making creepy sounds and move the bushes around. I know it'll freak them out"
Jess giggles and says "alright lets go"

Both of us start crawling towards the bushes on the side of the house. I'm crawling Infront of Jess and I can feel her checking me out. I look back and catch her in the act and I see her cheeks go red. I giggle silently and keep going till were behind the big bushes. I sit down on the grass and Jess practically sits ontop of me. I whisper in her ear "If you wanted to check me out, you could've just told me ya know?"
She giggles and mimicks me "oh shut up! And be quiet! We're on a mission" sticking her tongue out at me. I so badly wanted to just bite it and kiss her but I hold myself back. She gets off my lap and stands up a little, but the girls can't see us. I start it off by just rustling the bushes a little so it sounds like it's windy. But it gets their attention because I can see through the bushes all three of their heads turn towards us.
Maddie says "Did you guys hear that?"
Bella says "yea it was probably just the wind"
Nicole says "yea probably."

They go back to talking and then I nod at Jess to do something. She smirks at me and I whisper "what?" She shakes her head then looks at the girls again. I'm watching the girls when all of a sudden I hear moans. I look over at Jess and she's moaning. Oh my god that is turning me on right now. I bite my lip as she looks at me smirking. But then I hear the girls again.
Nicole says "Okay guys that was definitely not the wind..."
Maddie says "uh..wanna go inside?"
Bella says "yes please"
They start getting off the trampoline. I hop on Jess' back and she walks to the end of the bushes waking for the girls to walk by. When they're close enough, we jump out and scream.
All three of them scream like crazy and Jess and I fall to the ground laughing.
Maddie says "Demi are you fucking kidding me?!"
Nicole says "Jess oh my god I hate you!"
Bella says "Momm! Why would you do that?!"
Me and Jess gather ourselves and stand up. All three girls look so mad it's funny. I say "Oh lighten up, it's a joke. And if you guys could see your faces hahah!"
Jess says "We got you good!" And gives me a high five. The girls roll their eyes and walk inside. I walk Infront of Jess when I quickly feel a stinging on my butt. I turn around and say "hey! Watch it missy"
She winks and walks inside telling Nicole to get her shoes on because they're leaving. The girls run back upstairs to get her stuff and I say "Sooo, I have about a month left of vacation before I go back to work."
Jess says "Well that's good!"
I nod and say "That also means I have a month to get to know everything about you"
She smiles and says "I think that can be arranged"
I smile and look at the stairs to make sure the girls aren't coming and then kiss her passionately. She holds my waist close to her and I pull away once I hear footsteps. Jess whispers "lets keep this our little secret for now" I nod and Nicole comes down the stairs with Maddie. Maddie says "Jess can I just have a ride home with you?"
Jess says "yup that's fine, you have everything?" Maddie nods. I give Jess a hug goodbye as well as Nicole. I say "Nicole anytime you wanna come over, you're more than welcome okay?"
She says "Yup! Thank you!"
"No problem sweetie "
I hug Maddie and say "Tell momma and Eddie I say hi"
"Okay Dems bye love you"
"Love you too"

Bella comes from the staircase and says "bye guys, bye Jessica"
They all say bye and I close the door and make sure it's locked. For the rest of the night Bella and I watch some movies before going to bed.


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