Chapter 51

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Demi's POV

Jenna and I are currently laying down in my big bed in the back of the bus because we both could use a nap. She's laying on her stomach as I give her back tickles. She whispers "mommy?"

"Yea princess?"

"What kinda songs are you gunna sing?"

I turn so I'm facing her and still giving her back tickles. I say "mmmh well I'm gunna sing the songs from mommy's album. And some old songs for when I was little. And the song from frozen"

"I wish I can sing like you mommy"

I smile and say "of course you can sing like me baby"

"No I can't. When I sing let it go, Belly always says I can't."

I smile when she calls Bella 'Belly'. She adds a 'y' to everyone's name if you haven't noticed. There's mommy, duh. Belly. Grammy. Poppy. Dally. Maddie. Rissy. Jessy. And Nikky.

I say "Princess when Bella tells you those kind of things you can't believe her. She's your sister and sometimes she says things she doesn't mean."

"But why?" She asks.

I shrug and say "That's just how sisters are. She loves you! But because you two are together so much, sometimes you guys argue and make fun of each other because you get tired of each other. Me and aunt Dally fought all the time when we were little"


I laugh "Really! But we always loved each other"

"I really love Belly, mommy"

"I know you do princess. And she loves you alot too. She's just being a normal sister, and because she's older she is going to try and make fun of you sometimes. But you know what you say to her?"

She shakes her head no. I say "You just say that's not true. And I know you're lying. You say that you know the truth and other people's opinions don't matter. Okay?"

She smiles and yawns saying "Okay mommy". I smile and continue giving her back tickles as her eyes slowly close. I set my alarm on my phone and then close my eyes as well.

Nikki's POV

After Jess left I texted Maddie and she said she was gunna come over soon. This house is huge yet I'm still bored. I run upstairs and just lay down in my room for a little bit and watch tv.

"NIKKI!" I hear from outside my window. I look at the clock and its 3 o'clock. I guess I dozed off for a little bit. I get up and see Maddie standing there. I laugh and open the window. I stick my head out and say "Sorry I fell asleep. I'm coming down". She rolled her eyes just like Demi does. It's weird how alike they are. I run down the zillion stairs in this house and unlock the front door. Maddie walks in and says "Ya know I was outside for like twenty minutes. You didn't even wake up to your phone and I called like 10 times".

I look at my phone and see all the missed calls. Whatever. We sit back on the couch and watch tv for a little. After a few minutes of silence it get broken when Maddie says "KJ asked me hangout tonight"

FYI, KJ and Maddie have liked each other for a while. They've been friends since they were little so their parents don't suspect a thing. But of course I know, because Maddie's like my best friend. It's kinda weird how this whole situation came about, but me and Maddie knew each other way before my sister and Demi met. I mean Jess knew Maddie, and I knew Demi; but they never knew each other. Back to Maddie and KJ....

I wiggle my eyebrows at her and I say "Oooooh where?"

She shrugs we shoulders and says "I don't know and I didn't say yes yet"

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