Chapter 20

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Demi's POV

For the rest of the day Maddie and Bella hung out while I kept Jenna busy and Rissa went home. I definitely knew that Jenna and Bella were totally comfortable with eachother by now because they're fighting like two normal sisters. Although it is definitely not fun all the time. I'm currently playing dress up with Jenna to distract her from playing with Bella.
Earlier after Bella and I's talk, lets just say Jenna wanted to be a big girl with Bella and Maddie and Bella had no problem with turning her down.

It's almost 7 and Jenna is still in one of her princess outfits. I can hear Bella and Maddie outside jumping on the trampoline and talking so I know they're okay. Jenna says "Mommy I'm hungry!" I pick her up and say "Well what does my princess want for dinner?"
She makes a cute little thinking face and says "Pizzzzza! Please mommy!"
I laugh and say "Okay, but that means the princess outfit has to come off because we don't wanna get it dirty right?" She nods her head and takes off the dress while I call for a pizza delivered.

The door bell rings and Jenna runs down the stairs and says "I got it mommy!" I laugh and say "Thank you baby, but no. Let adults get the door. You never know if there's a bad person behind the door okay?"
She nods and runs into the kitchen while I open the door to see the pizza delivery guy.
I give him the money and an autograph before closing the door and putting the pie on the island in the kitchen. I put out 4 plates for all of us and yell for the girls "Bella, Maddie come on dinners here!"
They come running in, about to take a slice each before I butt in -"Noooo way, both of you upstairs. And wash you're hands please." They roll their eyes and run upstairs.
Once they come down, we pray and start eating. I break the silence and say "So guys, what's your thought on me going on tour?"
Bella and Jenna look up at eachother then at me. Jenna says "Yea I like watching you on stage!"
Bella says "Well yea, I mean it is your job."
I smile and take a second slice, as well as Bella and Maddie.
Jenna's taking the smallest bites off her piece and she's not even half way done. I tell her, "Jenna come on you have to eat." She shakes her head.
"Honey I've told you this so many times, if you don't eat, you won't be strong and healthy like mommy is now. Right?" She slowly nods but doesn't eat. Bella speaks up and says "Jenna just eat it, you didn't eat lunch you have to eat dinner. Especially now that it's mom and not Marissa."
Jenna spits back at her ,
"You can't tell me what to do!"
"Well I'm trying to help you!"
"Well you're not my mom! So shut up!"
My eyes widen at this. I clench my jaw. "Jenna Marie Lovato don't you dare say that again." I demand.
Bella chuckles and Jenna starts crying. I roll my eyes and say "Really Bella?"
She bits her lip and says "Sorry."
I roll my eyes and continue to eat as Jenna stops crying.
"Alright Jenna, last warning. Eat the rest of the piece and that's it"
She slowly finishes it and I tell all three of them they can go play now. I'm cleaning the kitchen when I hear the doorbell. Bella yells from upstairs "Mom someone's at the door!!!"
I mumble to myself "no shit, Sherlock"

I open the door and see Jessica and Nicole. I smile and say "It's only been a few hours Jess, I hope you're not one of those stalkers" I smirk. She laughs and says "No way, but you forgot your jacket and you know...I just thought you might want it back"
I smile and say "Well thanks, you guys wanna come in?"
She quickly says "Oh no I should be getting Nicole back home..."
"Come onn it's a Friday and plus, Maddie's here with Bella. Go ahead upstairs Nicole. Second door on your left"
She smiles and says "okay thanks" before running upstairs. I let Jess inside before closing the door an going back into the kitchen. She says from behind me "You're house is amazing" I giggle and say "Well thankyou, I'm just cleaning up from dinner so grab a seat ill be done in a sec."
As I'm wiping down the table I ask "Did you and Nicole eat yet? We had pizza night if you want some?"
"No it's okay I took her out"
"Okay, anything to drink?"
"I'm good, thanks though"
I smile and finish cleaning the table and sit next to her. She says "Sorry I didn't mean to barge in or anything I-"
I cut her off and say "you didn't barge in, the girls just ate. I was gunna be bored anyway so you came at the perfect time" I smile. She smiles back and says "well okay haha."
"So did yo-"
"MOMMMM! Tell Jenna to leave us alone!" I hear Bella yell from upstairs. I sigh and roll my eyes as Jess laughs a little. "Well, would you like to meet my daughters?" I say with a sarcastic smile. She giggles and says "Sure."

We walk upstairs and into Bella's room to see Jenna standing in the doorway with tear marks on her cheeks. "What's going on?" I ask all of them. Bella says "Jenna won't leave us alone" I sigh and pick Jenna up and say "You better not have been being mean, you hear me?"
Maddie chimes in and says "She really wasn't being mean Dem, she asked Jenna to stop but Jenna didn't."
"Alright, why don't you girls go outside. Stop being cooped up inside"
They nod their heads and start to get up when I forgot that Jess is next to me. "Oh by the way, Bella, Jenna, this is my friend Jessica" I say with a smile. Bella says "Hi" and Jenna doesn't do anything. I say "Sorry, she can be shy sometimes." Jess smiles "don't worry about it, ill let it go cuz she's a cutie" she tickles her stomach making her laugh. I smile at how good she is with her and the girls run outside to the backyard as Jess, Jenna and I go into the living room. It's only 7 o'clock on a Friday night....mmm what should we do? I have an amazingly hot girl over with my 7 year old daughter. An idea pops in my head. "Hey Jenna, wanna watch a movie?" She smiles and nods her head before running off to the theater room. I get up and say to Jessica "Come on."
She says "Where?" "We have a theater room." I say and giggle. She blushes a little and says "Oh". I laugh and walk with her into the theater to see Jenna sitting on one of the big chairs with her blanky. "Did you pick a movie?"
She nods and says "Marley and Me!"
I look at Jessica "is that okay with you?" She smiles and nods. I sit next to Jenna and Jess sits next to me. I press play and get up to grab a blanket. I decide to play one of my cards and just grab one blanket for both of us. I sit back down and say "There was only one other blanket so we have to share if that's okay with you?" She giggles a little and says "that's fine with me." I smile and Jenna says "shhhh!" I laugh and say "sorry baby, we'll be quiet now." I look back at Jess and put my finger to my mouth telling her to be quiet. She silently laughs and we watch the movie.
We're halfway through the movie and Jenna fell asleep. I knew she would. I get a little tired so I lay my head down on Jessica's shoulder. I can feel her looking at me but I just watch the movie. I'm gonna test her. I wanna see if she really likes me, and if she's a good cuddler obviously. I yawn and stretch a little, looking up at her and Jenna. I smile at how adorable Jenna looks right now. Jessica whispers "You know, just from today I can see how amazing you are as a mom"
I smile big and say "Thank you, I love them so much." She says "I can tell" I look back at her with a big smile and she smiles back at me, I slowly start to lean towards her. Looking back and forth from her beautiful blue eyes to her lips.



Also, do you guys want more of Jess or Bella's POV? Let me know please! And THANK YOU FOR 2K READS

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