Part 1

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You would think that I would have gotten used to it by now. The looks when you walk down the hallway. The staring, the whispers when they think you aren't looking.

But walking down the hallway trying to get to my first class, I still am nervous. I am kind of a quiet person. Growing up I never used to be the quiet one but after years of losing everything and having to start over. I found it was just easier to be by myself. Of course it gets lonely, but I would rather be lonely then having my heart broken over losing people again and again.

After making my way through one hallway, I found that I made it all the way around without finding my classroom, which meant I was lost. Which also meant I was going to have to ask for directions.

The hallway that I was in was a locker hall and it was full of people talking. There were groups upon groups of people and I swear each group just kept getting louder. Until I saw this one group. It was a group of three girls.

One girl had pitch black hair, and a cute smile and she was talking to a taller girl who had short brown hair and a sleeve of tattoos and the last girl, who wouldn't even look like she was part of their group if the girl with the dark hair wasn't messing with her thick long brown hair, was sitting on the ground next to the other girls reading a book.

I nervously went up to them. "Ummm I was wondering if you guys could tell me where classroom 123 is?"

"What are you a freshman? How could you not know where that is?" The girl with the short hair responded.

"Ashlyn Harris be nice." The girl with the black hair scolded her. Then she turned towards me and stuck out her hand for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Ali Krieger. You must be new here, what's your name?"

"I'm Christen Press." Just then the bell rang signaling time to head to class.

"Well shit, Alyssa you are going to that class now aren't you?" Alyssa looked up from her book and nodded her head. "Great than you can show Christen here the way. Bye Christen hope to see you soon." She grabbed Ashlyn's hand and walked off in the other direction.

Alyssa stood up and put her book in her bag. "So it's this way." She motioned towards the other direction. I nodded and followed her.

"Sorry about Ashlyn before she can be an ass sometimes."

"That's okay. I have gotten a lot worse before."

"So where are you from?"

"Depends on what you mean." I giggled at my own inside joke. Knowing that I have been around the whole country. "I just moved here from Seattle."

"That's interesting. What was it like living there?"

"I don't really know I was only there for 3 months."

Before she could respond we entered the classroom. She headed to her seat and I head towards the teacher to hand him my slip.

"Hi, I am new here and I heard that I am supposed to give this to you."

"Right thank you. I'm Mr. W. You can sit where ever there is a spot."

Once I turned around I could see a lot of the classroom already full. Since I'm not the smartest I like to sit near the front of the classroom. Unluckily I saw the seat next to Alyssa already taken, there were only two open seats.

One  was right in front of the teachers desk next to a dirty blonde who looked like she was sleeping. She had her backpack on the desk as a pillow and her legs were up on the seat next to her. The other was towards the back of the class a crossed the room from Alyssa, where a group of girls were chatting away.

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