Part 3

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The next few weeks of school I tried my best to distance myself from not only Tobin, but the whole team. It wasn't like they did anything wrong, quite the opposite actually they were all too friendly. They started to ask me personal questions and I can't tell them I can't let them in.

So I kept my distance. I wouldn't talk very much in class, which meant not asking for help so I was going to fail that class soon. I stopped sitting with them during lunch everyday, three times a week I would sit with them, but I wouldn't be very talkative. For the days I don't sit with them I got an off campus card and I would drive to this little dinner that was near the school and eat there. Of course there was still soccer, I couldn't give up soccer. So we talked there.

Despite all of this, these girls never seemed to just give up on me. The would still always ask me if I wanted to join them for lunch, or if I needed help in class, or if I wanted to hang out after practice. It kills me every time to say no to them, because it's obvious how much the all care for each other and how they want to care about me too. But I can't let that happen for my sake and theirs. But there was one person I couldn't stay away from.

I still saw her everywhere I went. Tobin. It seems like there are multiples of her because I feel like every corner I turn she's their talking to someone else. Everyday in first period I would watch her.I couldn't help it. Sometimes she would come into class late and go straight to sleep, other times she would sit with her back against the wall and twirl her pencil around effortlessly. Despite that she never missed a question. I wanted to sit in the still empty seat by her, but for some reason I knew she didn't want me there. We never talked in that class. Besides that I don't think I would get any work done.

Sometimes when I did try and pay attention to the lecture or when I was busy drawing in my notebook I would look up and I could feel her eyes on me. She would always give me this really cute and easy smile without breaking eye contact.

My favorite time is our one on one time.I stay late after practice everyday and she would show up after everyone leaves and she just hangs around. Sometimes she gives me small tips sometimes she would tell a stupid joke or flirt a little bit or sometimes she would just sits back and watches me. We would talk about nothing personal, but we would always have an easy conversation going. Talking to her was so natural and easy I often found myself telling her way more than I should.

I specifically can recall this one day, we just finished practice and coach called me over.

"Christen, I got your progress report today and it looks like you are struggling in multiple classes but especially math."

"I know coach, I'm sorry math just really doesn't work with me."

"Well I need you to get your grades up if you don't I can't allow you to play."

"Okay coach I promise I will go to tutoring or get a tutor or something."

"Okay I will check back in with you in two weeks." Coach walked off. And I slumped down to the ground. What am I going to do? I just can't to math and what if I can't get my grades up. Soccer is all that I have left.

"Hey Chris what's wrong?" Tobin came and sat down next to me. Meeting her eyes I noticed how worried she was about me.

"I'm not going to be able to play soccer anymore."

"Why would you say that? You are without a doubt the best soccer player this school has ever seen. I take that back you are the best soccer player this whole city has seen."

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