Part 38

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3rd person PoV

Ever since Christen allowed herself to finally break down, she hasn't gotten back up.

The first couple of days were really bad. Christen refused to get out of bed, most of the time she was sleeping or just laying in bed. She only ate and drank when Alyssa would force her too. She didn't speak to anyone.

But this was what the girls expected to happen. They knew what sad Christen is like. They knew sad Christen likes to sulk and they also knew she deserves time to sulk. Because what happened was fucked up and she deserves time to feel what she is feeling.

In the next few days, she moved on from just laying in bed at all times to being zombie-like. She went to school when Alyssa told her she had to because it was the last week. She went through the motions, throwing on the first clothes she could find on, letting Alyssa make her breakfast, going to her classes and turning in the bare minimum amount of work in order to still graduate, she sat with the group at lunch, but she didn't talk or laugh or join it at all. Outside of school when Christen wasn't sleeping she would put on headphones turn the volume super high so anyone in the room can hear it and she would start writing or drawing. The girls weren't really sure which because Christen wouldn't let anyone see, in the notebook that she keeps with her at all times.

Again as much as it saddened the girls, this was the behavior they were expecting from Christen. But the thing Alyssa expected least of all was when waking up Friday morning in Christen's bed was not finding Christen in the bed with her.

Panic washed down her body as she jumped out of bed, calling out Christen's name. "Christen!" She checked the bathroom first. Empty. Next art room. Empty. She tried calling out again, "Christen!"

"I'm in here." Christen's voice chimed happily from down the hallway. This stopped Alyssa in her tracks. Because, for one this whole week Christen hasn't voluntarily gotten out of bed on her own, and two she sounded happy. And Christen has barely shown any emotion this week and when she did, it definitely wasn't happy.

"Lys?" Christen called out in questioning when Alyssa hadn't come into the kitchen yet. But at the mention of her name Alyssa moves towards the kitchen almost afraid of what she is going to find.

What she found was Christen, showered and dressed something that wasn't dirty sweats. There was music softly playing in the background as she was adding some eggs to a pan. but the thing that caught her the most off guard was Christen seemed okay.

"What's happening here?" She questioned not knowing how to proceed.

"I'm making breakfast," Christen confirmed what Alyssa could see while flipping the eggs and moving to the toaster putting in slices of bread.

"Chris you and I both know that's not what I am asking about," Alyssa argued calling Christen out while moving to sit at the counter.

A sigh escaped Christen. She dropped her shoulders for a second while she made quick eye contact with Alyssa, knowing she needs to explain her sudden change in behavior. She grabbed a cup and filled it with coffee and creamer like Alyssa likes it and hands it off to her. Buying some more time she turns back to the eggs, which allows her to talk without having to see Alyssa's reaction.

"Did you ever read The Outsiders?"

"Chris?" Alyssa questioned with a groan. Obviously skeptical at the question and the conversation to come from it.

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