Part 37

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3rd Person PoV

When Alyssa, Allie, Kelley, and Alex arrived at Christen's house they were prepared with smiles on their faces and were ready to put a smile on Christen's face. Alyssa has gathered them all together told them about what Christen was going through and planned to have a movie day altogether to help her feel better. When they pulled up they were prepared with all their favorite movies, snacks, and comfy sweats. They were prepared for a sad Christen, for a Christen who needed a hug from each of them, what they weren't prepared for was Tobin sitting outside on the garage doorsteps. They weren't prepared for the tears streaming down her face and the sobs that were coming from her body. They weren't prepared for it, but as soon as they saw what was happening in front of them they all sprung into action.

Alex, Allie, and Kelley all ran to Tobin as soon as they could. Alyssa, on the other hand, ran past them and into the house, more afraid of what she would find inside.

Tobin was taken by surprise by the sudden presence of her friends. Before she heard all of them calling out to her, "Tobs!" , "Harry, what's wrong?", "What's going on?" She was focused on just trying to catch her breath. Because since she closed that door behind her, it seemed like her lungs weren't in her body because air refuses to get past her mouth. And yet figuring out how to swallow air wasn't her main focus. Because ever since she closed that fucking door, her heart felt like it was being squeezed, no being crushed into smaller and smaller pieces, and if it wasn't for the agonizing pain ever present in her chest she would think there weren't any more pieces to crush.

The three girls weren't aware of what was going on inside of Tobin. What they were concerned about was getting Tobin breathing normally again because the giant sobs and the rapid small gasps she kept switching between were scary.

Kelley tried to physically make it better, thinking back to the time she got a ball straight to the stomach and felt like she couldn't breathe. She remembered the trainers pulling her arms that were warped around her stomach up to the air above her head so she can help the air flow. Similarly, she unlatched Tobin's arms where they were tightly gripping her shirt on her chest and rose them above her head.

And yet even after a minute, the sobbing seemed to get worse.

Alex never has seen Tobin this emotional before tried to calm her down like she had calmed Tobin down ever since they have been friends. Like how she calmed her down before every game like she would have to calm her down when she was worried about her parent's reaction about something like she would calm her down before their first anything. She grabbed her chin making her looking into her eyes, making sure to get down to her level, and called out to her. "Toby....Tobs.... look at me.... everything is okay. You're okay. I'm here and it will be okay."

And yet just like Kelley, it didn't help.

Allie has seen both of her friends try techniques she thought of herself and when she saw they didn't work she started to panic. Luckily Allie did well under pressure. She worked best when there was a big crowd in the stands, she took her best shots when her team needed a goal, and so when her best friend is not breathing from a panic attack her brain flashed to when she had seen this last..... she remembered that night at the party when Tobin had a panic attack because she thought Christen would never forgive her. And after a second to process, she remembered how she got Tobin breathing back to normal.

Christen. She had gotten Christen to come out and calm her down. But something also was telling her that Christen couldn't help right now, so with the fight of her flight and fight reaction taking over, she pushed Alex and Kelley out of the way pulling Tobin into her arms. The blonde took her friend's hand and placed it against her beating chest.

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