Part 16

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When I woke up Alyssa was still snoring softly next to me. It actually didn't surprise me that she was near the whole other side of the bed despite me falling asleep in her arms. I have noticed that she isn't big on physical contact. I think the only reason she held me last night is because she knew I need it. Because honestly I am the only person she allows them to touch her. She usually doesn't even like hugs, but she know that's I find more comfort in touch more than words.

Sadly we both had to go to school today. So I woke her, which she wasn't happy about, and we both got ready for school. We have done this many times before, actually Alyssa has spent the most times over my house than anyone. Only there were two differences this time.

As we were getting ready there was an awkward silence I was still trying to forget about Tobin and I think she was trying to forget about it to, I think she is more angry about me letting Tobin back in my life then she let on last night. The second difference is she told me I wasn't allowed to take my own car to school. We argued for a while until I gave in because I didn't want to be late for school. So it wasn't until I was halfway to school in her car that I knew I was in trouble.

"Why couldn't I take my own car?" I pouted.

"Because you can't." She responded.

"Lys?" I asked again knowing there had to be more to it.

"Because Allie told me not to let you because she wanted to hang out with you later."

"What does that have to do with my car?"

"She said if you don't have a car than you can't make some excuse and run away ."

Fuck she knows me. I have gotten in the habit of just leaving school whenever I wanted without telling anyone. Or whenever I wasn't up to hanging out with people. Like today, where I still wasn't over what happened yesterday and I knew I would probably head home early some time in the day.

"Did you tell anyone about last night?"

"I told Allie that you had a rough night, because she was really worried about you and she was about to come over herself if I didn't tell her anything. "

"But you didn't tell her why I was upset?"

"No, I didn't. But I think you should."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because they deserve to know. At least Allie and Alex do. Well maybe it's best not to tell Alex, but Allie deserves to know."

"I don't want her to hate me."

"Allie would never hate you Chris. I just think you should talk to her, because I see how upset you still are Chris and I can only help you get over Her so much in this situation. I think you need to talk to someone who went through it."

"I'll think about it okay?"

"Okay Chris, and if you still need to get away you can always call me okay? But keep in mind we care about you and missed you like crazy when you were gone, and I know your aren't feeling the best right now, but don't be surprised if everyone comes on a little to strong."

"Okay Lys."

We finally arrived at school. Where as soon as Lys pulled into a parking spot her car was surrounded. My door was being thrown open and I was in Kelley's arms. Ashlyn shoved her away and envelopes me in her long arms. She was squeezing me until I somehow pulled out of her vise-like grip into someone else's confused on who got her to let go and saw Ali, I hugged her back hard and started to laugh at her and she understood why I was laughing, she hates hugs.

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