Part 6

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Somehow Becky and Carli managed to get everyone dressed and the house looked spotless. Everyone got in the cars the came in Ali and Alyssa each driving their own and Alex the last car. I got in my own car. I was ready to drive off, but when I was closing the gate and I got back in my car there was someone in the passengers seat.

"Ahh what the hell Allie. You scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry, it's just that Alex's car was too loud for me. You don't mind that I ride with you do you?"

"Of course not."

"Cool thanks." I got in and drove off following the other girls. Allie was messing with the radio until she found something that she likes. Singing along to it.

"You have a really nice voice." I told Allie.

"Thanks, I have always loved singing. I used to sing all the time, but I haven't really sung in a while."

"Why did you stop?"

"I, I used to do it with her." She whispered out. And they way she said it I know who she was talking about. Tobin.

"We used get together just the two of us and sing. She was really good at it, better than I am. She even used to write her own songs. Some were serious and they were really good, but sometimes she would just sing what ever popped into her head. Everyone used to laugh because somehow she could make something as simple as tying her shoe into a catchy song."

"So you stopped singing because she used to sing?"

"No I stopped singing because of how much it reminded me of her and because of how much it reminded everyone else of her. Especially Alex.

When you showed up all of us had just gotten over what she had done. Well as much as we possible could. She tore our group up. Before we loved and trusted each other completely, but after what she did all of us became more cautious. We all kind of distanced ourselves from each other. We are starting to finally get our rhythm back now." I pulled into a spot in the parking lot just as she finished telling me this. Shutting the car off.

"I couldn't imagine what that time must had been like. To not be able to trust those closet to you." Before she could respond we heard the bell telling us to go to class ring. We both got out of my car and started walking to class. Kelley finding us and was telling us a dumb joke that got both Allie and I laughing.

Then I saw Her. Sitting on the same curb that she had the day before. She was in the same clothes too. Had she not moved since yesterday? That's crazy right, of course she moved. Kelley noticed I wasn't listen to her anymore and demanded my attention.

"Christen Press!" She shouted. At the announcement of my name Tobin's head snapped up and her eyes immediately found mine. She looked awful. Her hair was all clumped together, face was red and blotchy, and her eyes were completely bloodshot. Somehow when she saw me her whole face contorted into pain and new tears started coming down her face.

My stomach dropped and I immediately felt like I was going to be sick. It has been easy to cut ties with Tobin at this point because in my head the girl that I hug out with everyday after school and the girl they told me about were separate, but in this moment everything collided together. I was about to break down right there when I felt a hand intertwine with mine and and arm go around my shoulder. It was Kelley and Allie.

"Lets go to class Chris." Kelley demanded, squeezing my shoulder.

I tried to move but was stuck in place because Allie wasn't moving. She remained silent, she was staring at Tobin with an expression I really couldn't place. I didn't want to be here anymore so I squeezed her hand and she looked down at me and she nodded. Pulling me towards our class.

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