Part 29

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*I know in the previous chapter I said the ticket was to NC, but she is going to go to Penn first so just go with it.

Christen POV

"Chris, breath. Everything is going to be okay. We are going to get through it. I just made you some promises and I intend to keep them."

"But how Tobin?"

"Easy. I am coming with you."

And Tobin did just that. She convinced me to go back to my house so she can return Allies car and so Lauren can bring her stuff to her. She wanted to make sure that I can say goodbye to everyone. Which was really sweet of her.

And somehow she only got more sweet from then. The whole car ride she held on one of my hands and would ever so often lift it up and place a kiss on it. And the sweetness didn't stop there, when we finally got to the airport she tried paying for her ticket, which I then had to explain that my dad had his own plane we are using.

She was quiet for a second after that and when we got to the gate she told me she would be right back with a quick kiss on the lips and a smile. When she came back she had a bouquet of flowers and she said that she doesn't deserve me, but she would be honored if I would go on a date with her wherever we are going.

Of course I said yes.

We had the whole plane to ourselves and yet she sat next to me the whole time either holding my hand or putting her arm on my shoulders. And when we were talking she would just sit and listen to me and after I kept telling her more and more about myself she would murmur things like you're perfect or you're amazing.

We arrived on Penn's campus, and for the two days we were there I couldn't help but be distracted but what is Tobin Heath. She went with me everywhere. Constantly cracking jokes, giving me compliments, and sneaking kisses.

And not to mention the perfect date she took me on. She somehow arranged for us to use a one of the art rooms there. And she let me paint and she tried to paint along with me. While she played her favorite music switching from just listening to the speaker she brought and singing/ playing on different instruments for me. And she ended the night with a song she wrote for me.

"I wrote you a song." She admitted to me while she took a seat on the piano bench and began to move her fingers against the keys.

You think that you know my heart
And you probably do
So I'm always with you
I could stay with you for hours
In an empty room
And never get bored
Never have nothing to do

You're my other half
You're what makes me me
What makes me smile
When I fall down and can't get back, get back, get back up
On my feet

Without you here I am boring
Something inside you is triggering
It makes me myself
Makes me funny, you're a beautiful thing
We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
You're a beautiful thing

We're a beautiful thing together
Even when the weather is low
We find the rainbow
Up in the sky
You'd say don't you cry, it's all gonna be alright

If we ever gone through a fight oh that would be bad
'Cause you know all of my secrets
But I know all of yours

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