Part 13

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"Miss, excuse me. Miss you might want to wake up now we are about 5 minutes from your home."

I blinked my eyes open to the cab that I was in heading back home from camp. "Thanks"I rasped out to the driver.

Camp was good. Great even. The camp itself went better than I could even dream. We won the whole tournament and I averaged 2 goals and 1 assist a game. The coaches all seemed really impressed and some were really even happy to have me back. What was even more amazing was they said they were looking forward to my future with the national team. Which of course I was thrilled about, it practically what I have been working for my whole life.

Socially, it wasn't the best. I didn't really know anyone there, because I was always so much younger than everyone there and they have moved on. Not surprisingly I didn't make any close friends, but I was friendly enough, which was an accomplishment for me. And it's not like the girls there weren't nice, they were it's just that it made me realize how much I care and miss my friends back home.

I miss how Kelley can make me laugh at any time, how Ali knows how to distract me every time I get in my own head, how Alyssa can know what I am thinking by just the look on my face, how Alex can get me out of my comfort zone when I need it, and how Allie can push me to be better. They all make me better, they make me feel loved again and I missed them like crazy.

You should have heard how pissed at me they were when they first found out where I was. They showed up to practice the day after I left for camp and coach told them that I was at the youth national camp. Of course they weren't angry that I was there, but they were angry that I didn't tell them that I got invited to camp.

As soon as they were done with practice Allie Skype me with the whole team and she chewed me out, saying that I can't just leave them like that without saying anything. But they all said that they were really proud of me and they will miss me but they know I'm going to do great. I especially like the calls after I won the tournament congratulating me and that they all watched the stream online of the games.

They really meant a lot to me especially because dad didn't even know I was here. The weird part was it didn't bother me that he doesn't care as much as it did before. I find myself not missing him as much as I used to. And I think it's because I have other people in my life that care about me.

Most of all though I missed Tobin and not only did I miss her, but I was worried about her. I mean how does she practically tell me she is homeless and expect me not to worry about her. I worried that she was too proud to use the key that I gave her I wish there's a way I could've checked up on her but she doesn't have a cell phone and the times that I tried calling my house phone no one picked up so she's not there.

But what does that mean? That she is in the shed? My heart aches at the thought of her being in there during the winter in the freezing cold when I had this huge empty house she could use. And I know I have it bad when I'm more happy I'm going to school tomorrow then I was winning at camp just because I know I get to see her and all my friends again.

"Miss we are here." My cab driver announced pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you sir. Here you go." I handed him over the money. "Keep the change." I pulled my duffel bag out with me and was standing in front of my home gate. I put the code in and then made it across he front entrance to the front door.

I look down at the key I was about to use to open the door and my thoughts immediately went back to Tobin. God did I miss her I turned the key and walked into my house and...... It was empty. I don't know what I was expecting. My father called once while I was at camp and the conversation lasted about two minutes long. Enough for him to say he wasn't due home for another few days.

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