Part 2

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I just turned my car when there was a knock on my window. My door was being thrown open and there stood Kelley with her mouth hanging open.

"Hey Kelley."

"This is your fucking car?" She shouted at me.

"Yes." I responded calmly.

"You own a Audi r8."

"Yes Kel, like I said this is my car." It was one of the things my father thought would make up for the fact that he is never there.

"Can I drive it?"

"No you can not drive it."

"Why not? I am a really good driver and we are practically family now that you are on the team." She argued back with me loudly as grabbed my stuff and got out of my car. Before I could close the door Kelley hoped into the drivers seat. I sighed letting her have a turn knowing that she can't cause too much damage, as long as I had the keys. I hit the lock button. Knowing it will lock when she finally gets out. I made around my car only to find the whole row of people looking at me and my car.

Well here it goes, it always starts off like this. I barely got one step before two guys came up to me. "Hey, I'm Ian and this is my bro Joey."

"Nice to meet you." I mumbled out still trying to get to school.

"Where are you rushing off to?" Ian said grabbing my wrist and causing me to turn around towards him again.

"To class."

"You still have plenty of time before class, why don't you hang out with us?"

"No thanks, I like getting to class early." I tried to walk away again, but this time they stepped in front of me.

"Oh come on we heard you are on soccer team now, well we are on the men's soccer team, which means you are part of our group." He motioned to a group of people a few cars down. I saw some familiar faces sitting on the back of a truck.

"Yeah Chris!" Kelley yelled from behind me grabbing my hand a leading me towards the group. "I will introduce you to everyone."

When we got to the truck, there was a good amount of people hanging out on the bed and around in some of the other cars. I could hear music playing from some where, but it was drowned out by how loud everyone was. I saw some familiar faces and some very familiar faces.

"Chris, over there is Sydney she is own the team, but she got hurt and is going to be out the rest of the season, sitting next to her is her boyfriend Dom, he is on the men's soccer team. The blond over there that's JJ and her boyfriend Zack, he plays football, but we will forgive him for that." I kind of spaced out after that, there were way to many people here for me to even remember anyone's name.

"Oh yeah and you already know Alex and Allie, but those are their boyfriends Servando and Bati and you just met Ian and Joey and that's everyone that hangs out with us."

"It's nice to meet everyone." I mumbled out, with a wave. "I have to go now." I quickly left the group and headed towards my first class. When I got there the bell just rang for people to head to class, but the teacher was already here at his desk writing something and the dirty blonde who was asleep yesterday was in her seat, asleep already. I made my way over to my seat where I pulled out my notebook and just started to draw along the margins.

Before I knew it the class was filling up and right before the bell rang Kelley, Allie, and Alex walked in. They didn't have a chance to talk to me because the teacher started his lecture right away. A few minutes in I was already lost in the lesson and so I continued to draw around my notebook. I couldn't wait for this class to be done, I heard the girls around me chatting under their breath as well as most of the class. Then he called on me.

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