Part 30

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Tobin's PoV

As soon as I woke up I was overcome by one feeling. Happiness.  Extremely Happy. Like I can't imagine being more happy than I am right now. I was still naked in bed with my arms wrapped around, my perfect, beautiful, and very naked girlfriend.

Just thinking about her puts a smile on my face. God I'm lucky. I want to shout from rooftops about how much I love this girl and how lucky I am. And last night...last night was nearly perfect. Yes she didn't say she loves me too, but I am pretty sure by the way she kisses me last night and by the way she is holding onto me right now in her sleep, she must care for me.

I guess with those thoughts going through my head I subconsciously tightened my grip around her because as I looked down at the brunette that was resting on my chest her eyes were fluttering open.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I apologized to her.

"Mmmm, sleep" she mumbled out before nuzzling her head into my neck, "it's too early." She whispered against my skin. Sending shivers down my whole body.

"Babe, its 11." I chuckled out.

"What?!?" She shouted out sitting right up fully awake, looking at the clock like I made it up. "Fuck. " She moved out of the bed grabbing a shirt and pulling it over her head before I grabbed her hand pulling her back down.

"What's wrong? I thought yesterday was the last of all the school stuff. "

"It was the last of the school stuff."

"Oh okay, so why the hurry? You can come back to bed. We can cuddly some more. Sleep some more. And I was thinking that later I can take you out to the soccer field.." I stopped talking now noticing Christen. She looking down at our intertwined hands and hers was rubbing back and forth on my which she only does when she is thinking about something. "Chris, what's wrong?"

She finally looked up at me, she was biting her lip and she was looking at me like she was unsure of something. " I already have plans for today." She whispered out.

"Oh that's cool. What are we doing today?"

"Ummm well that's the thing, I umm I have to do something with my Father today."

"Oh" Why wouldn't that be something she told before, she obviously has had this plan for a while.

"I was going to tell you yesterday about it but I got distracted....he is in town and he is having this fancy dinner thing trying to close a deal he has been working on and he said that this client is really family oriented and so he said he needs me to be there and we have to act like a family. And so I have to meet him earlier like in a hour because he has to tell me a bunch of stuff  and I have to get me ready in a certain way's going to be really boring and I would rather be with you all day. " She finished with a huff.

"Well maybe I can go with you?" I offered to her, thinking maybe I can make it better for her.

"I don't know Tobin. It won't be fun and I know you won't enjoy it. I don't want to waste your time." She countered with multiple excuses.

"Well I mean a fancy dinner is not something I would usually enjoy nor is it something you do, and just thinking about meeting your dad makes my stomach hurt, but I would love to meet the person that gave you life. Plus if me being there made it slightly better for you I would be there in a heartbeat. " I explained to her.

"" want to meet my father?" She stuttered back shock evident on her face.

"Only if you want me too." I assured her.

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