Part 33

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Christen's PoV

I roll over in the fort, suddenly aware that it was pretty chilly. I reached out for more blankets or more of what I really girlfriend to cuddle up with. Except, I quickly realized she wasn't anywhere in here.
"Babe?" I called out hoping she was just outside the fort. But sadly no answer. And that's when I first realized how I actually felt.

It was one of those days....when of those days where I knew it was going to be a struggle just to get out of bed or in this case a's one of those days where anything and everything can send me in a spiral. So maybe I should just stay in bed like I usually do when I feel like this, but this time I actually want someone with me. Tobin.

"Tobin?" I tried calling her for again but no answer, so I untangled myself from the blankets and stumbled my way out of the fort. Taking a second to stretch, realizing how tight I am I must have been asleep for a while, wait what time is it? A glance at the clock lets me know that it is around 5 in the morning. It's been hours... I must have fallen asleep for a while, but where's Tobin? What clues me to where she could be is when my stomach grumbled loudly.

Oh yeah, Tobin was heating up the pizza I got for us. I remembered to myself. I took off in the direction of the kitchen somehow excited despite my current mood, excited for pizza and excited to see my girlfriend. But when I slide into the room it's empty. "Tobin!" I called out as loudly as I can but got no response.

I don't get it she was just going to grab us food, but she didn't come back to the fort. With a quick look through the kitchen, I noticed the pizza in the toaster oven not touched at all and long forgotten. What could that have been about? Why didn't she eat? And why didn't she come back to the fort?

"Oh hi, sweetie." My dad greeted me walking into the kitchen. And if I felt myself slipping into the darkness that is always right under the surface a few minutes ago this put me over the edge, because I have never left an interaction with my father feeling better.

"Dad?" I asked out confused as to why he was even here. "What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you to daughter." He mumbled going straight to the fridge.

"When did you get here?" I asked him ignoring his tone. He grabbed some eggs and started cracking them before answering me.

"I got in last night." He told me, nonchalantly.

Did he see Tobin? Is that why she isn't here?
"Dad, did you see Tobin last night?" I voiced my thoughts.

"As a matter of a fact I did." He said casually.

"And?" I asked not understanding why he hasn't said more.

"And what?" He looked up at me for the first time since the conversation started.

"Did you talk to her? Is that why she isn't here this morning? Did you kick her out?" I continued frustrated with his short answers.

"Woah Chris calm down there...I just had a friendly conversation with her. I got to know her some more. We talked about future plans."

"You talked about her future with her?" I asked our bewildered.

"Yes, I wanted to know what her plan was, I needed to make sure she actually has a plan and is not just banking on taking advantage of you."

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