Part 19

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A/n I know you might now be happy with last chapter, but just trust me I have a plan on where I want this story to go and I think you guys are going to like it. Well I hope so at least. Hopefully this chapter will explain some of your guys questions about Tobin. Enjoy!

Christen PoV

"Tobin, what the hell are you doing here?"

Who the fuck does she think she is and why does she think she can just show up at my house? Especially now after a month of nothing, she hasn't tried to talk to me once, hell I haven't even seen her around campus, so why would she be here now.

She jumped out of the chair, and I heard her whisper out "fuck."

"Why are you here?" I asked again a little more calmly than before but I was still plenty pissed. Her back was to me so I couldn't see her face, so I still had no clue what was going on.

"I shouldn't have come. I'm sorry." She quickly spat out and turned to walk away.

"Oh so you do know how to say sorry." I spat back after her. She paused in her tracks at my words, but still didn't turn around. "Why are you here?" I asked again.

She turned slightly towards me, but she had a classic Tobin SnapBack on but it was bent down so I still couldn't see her face, especially when she was looking at the ground like she was. "I just I needed to...I had no where else to go and I just needed to be close ..." she huffed out in frustration. "I didn't think you would know I was here. I thought you would be inside with everyone else." She finally got out in explanation.

"So you thought it would be okay if you were here as long as no one knew you were here? What kind of bullshit is that? You think you can still take advantage of me anytime you want?" I asked her. Now I was frustrated.

"It's not like that Chris."

"You don't get to call me that. And please explain what is it like Tobin. Because it seems to me that you just want to use my house, or do you want to use me again too?"

"I never used you Christen."

"Go fuck yourself Tobin." I said done hearing her lies. I turned to go back into the house, but I felt my hand being jerked and I had no other choice but to turn around.  And for the first time in a month I saw her face and it was not the face I remember. Her eyes were red and sunken in and she had a bruise on the right side of her cheek.

"I never fucking used you Christen. Everything that happened between us was real.  I never fucking did anything because I wanted anything from you, I did it because I liked you and I wanted you to like me too. We were really friends, we really helped each other out, and we really cared about each other." She told me passionately.

"After everything that has happened, after everything you have done in your past,and after everything that has happened between us you have to know that it's almost impossible to believe you right?" I told her, because honestly I feel like we keep having the same conversations and I don't know if I could stand to hear it anymore.

"I'm not asking you to be my friend again. I'm not asking you to forgive me for all the stupid shit I have done. I just want you to believe me when I say I really like you and just you. Not your big house, not your fancy cars, and not your money, I wish that you didn't have all of that stuff. I like you Christen, I like the way your eyes light up when you are happy, I like the sound of your laugh, and I like how your smile brightens my whole day, but more then that I like how kind you are, how smart you are, and how passionate you are about everything you do."

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