Friday July 23rd

750 23 0

F18 jet^ Vote please! - Blaire

Hope woke me up at 7.

Hope: Baby Horse come on we have recovery
Me: I don't wanna
Hope: I don't care

I got up and followed Hope. We ate breakfast and then Alex, Kelley, Press, Toby and I did yoga. After an hour session we had ice baths. We climbed in and set the timer. Hope came in with my phone and a serious look her face.

Hope: Baby Horse your dad is calling
Me: hand me my phone he only calls when he has to.
Hope: do not drop it in the water.

Me: hey daddy
Dad: Savannah where are you?
Me: Kansas City with the team why?
Dad: mom was in an accident and your sister can't go now so I need you to fly to Baton Rouge immediately
Me: what! I can't I leave for DC tonight
Dad: they need a family member, I won't be there in time if something happens
Me: and I will
Dad: yes get to the Kansas City airport. I have the F18B jet taking you to the airport in Baton Rouge and then straight to the hospital
Me: Now?
Dad: yes now

I quickly got out and grabbed my stuff.

Me: but wait what accident?
Hope: Savannah what's happening?
Dad: a car accident
Me: when
Hope: Savannah Blaire slow down before you slip!
Me: actually tell Hope I have to pack.

I tossed Hope my phone and then went to my room to pack.

Hope: General Reed what happened?
Dad: her mom was in an accident and she is being rushed to the hospital. Both Chloe and I are currently out of the country and they need a family member to give consent.
Hope: we leave for DC tonight
Dad: yes I know, we are using our military jet to fly her. Please talk to Coach Ellis and let her know Savannah will be back in 3 days top.
Hope: she won't be happy but I'll try
Dad: if she needs she can call me you have my number. Well I have to go Savannah knows what to do.

Hope came into my room and handed me my phone.

Hope: I'm going to talk to Jill
Me: I promise I will be back as soon as I can
Hope: I know, now go your Uber is here.

I grabbed my bags and got in the Uber. I got to the airport and Lieutenant Cork escorted me through the airport and straight to the plane. They loaded my bags and I put on the fly suit and headphones. I loaded in and buckled. The pilot got it and started the jet. We took off and it was at blazing speed and gaining.

We landed in less than an hour and Lieutenant Ford escorted me to the hospital. As soon as the car stopped I ran in.

Me: I'm Savannah Solo, my mom was in a car accident
Lady: her name
Me: Brenda Reed
Lady: she is in surgery right now
Me: and?
Lady: that's all I know
Me: well you better find out more
Lady: mam it's all I...
Me: don't say it's all you can do. My mom is the wife to 4-star General David Reed so I don't care who you have to call I need and update now.

The lady started making calls and then some doctor came out.

Torres: Savannah Solo, correct?
Me: yes
Torres: I am Dr. Torres one of the head trauma surgeons. Your mom is in surgery and they are trying to fix a bleed in her brain and some of her internal organs were damaged.
Me: alright
Torres: she had been stable for the past hour. I will let you know if anything changes
Me: thank you doctor.

The next two hours I paced around the waiting room until the doctor came out.

Me: Dr. Torres.
Torres: we repaired most of the damage on her organs but they are still trying to fix her brain bleed. She crashed once but we got her back immediately
Me: thank you

The doctor went back in and I went back to pacing.

Ford: Miss. Solo you need to eat something
Me: I'm not hungry, has my father updated you?
Ford: yes he departs at 1900 hours.
Me: what time does he arrive?
Ford: 0500 hours
Me: okay
Ford: now will you please eat something, I will go pick up whatever you want
Me: a chicken Caesar salad and fruit. I don't care where from
Ford: I will be back soon then

*hours earlier in Kansas*

Jill: Hope what's going on I just saw Baby Horse leave with her stuff
Hope: call the team in and I'll explain

The whole team quickly filled the meeting room and Hope stood up.

Hope: as you all have noticed Baby Horse left. Her dad called and told her that her mom was in and accident and both her sister and her dad were out of the country
Alex: is she coming back?
Hope: supposedly in 3 day tops
Kelley: how is her mom
Hope: I haven't heard anything yet.
Jill: Hope hallway now.

Jill: will she be back if her mom passes?
Hope: honestly I believe so
Jill: if she does it will be up to you ad Ali to judge her mental state
Hope: of course just make sure you room her with me throughout the tournament
Jill: I will and update me when you can

*Back at the hospital*

Ford came back and I ate quickly. An hour later Dr. Torres came out.

Torres: Savannah your mom is out of surgery and stable for now. She is being moved to the ICU now. The next 24 hours will be critical. If she can pull through the night then her chance of surviving will increase significantly.

Me: can I see her?
Torres: of course follow me

I followed her up to ICU. My mom was hooked up to so many tubes and wires. It was around 11pm so I pulled up a chair. I unlocked my phone and called Hope.

Hope: Baby Horse, how is everything?
Me: that's a loaded question, but my mom was in surgery for most of the day to fix a brain bleed and organ damage but she is out and in the ICU for now.
Hope: that's a good start, and your dad?
Me: should be arriving 0500
Hope: have you eaten?
Me: yeah I did earlier
Hope: good well try and get some sleep you sound tired
Me: I am, but Hope?
Hope: yeah?
Me: I'm scared
Hope: I know I am too but we just have to let things ride themselves out
Me: I know
Hope: well go to sleep and I will talk to you later
Me: Alright goodnight Hope.
Hope: goodnight SB

Ifound a way to hold my mom's hand and fell asleep.    

How I Became Savannah Solo Part 6Where stories live. Discover now