Sketch Pad (Levi Rivaille x reader)

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Another line here.

Smudge the graphite there.

You stick your tongue out and begin to hum in concentration as the pencil flows around on the paper gracefully. Each stroke of your pencil made the sets of various shapes all come together into the picture you have in your head. You’re actually so into what you’re drawing that you don’t even look up when a shadow falls over you.

“Wow (y/n) that looks amazing!” Eren says from behind you.

You jump slightly but luckily your pencil is far away from the sheet of drawing paper.

“Eren you scared the shit out of me!” You gasp as you turn around to face the titan boy.

He smiles slightly and sits down next to you, leaning back on the tree you’re leaning against.

Suddenly feeling self-conscious you hide the unfinished drawing against your chest and bring your knees up so you can lock your arms around them. “I’m not really that good.” You mumble.

“Of course you are! That picture looks almost lifelike!”

You smile and ruffle Eren’s hair much to chagrin, “You’re too kind to me, ya know that kid?”

Eren glares at you as he pushes your hand off of his head, “Don’t do that. Besides I’m not even that much younger than you!”

You give him a blank look, “Eren… I’m twenty-five. You know that right?” You peek over at the boy to see his mouth has dropped open.

“You’re THAT old?”

“Oi what’s that supposed to mean?” you yell at him.

“You look like you’re seventeen at MOST!”

Both of you are quiet for a moment before you both burst out laughing. You hadn’t known Eren for very long but you enjoy his company none the less. You hadn’t been allowed to attend his court hearing so it was news to you when your captain, Levi, came in the next day and announced that you along with Team Levi would be going to the old HQ with the titan-human Eren Jaeger as your… well… essentially as a prisoner. Still even though you were a bit weary of him in the beginning you found a kindred spirit in Eren.

At the moment the two of you were just waiting for the other shoe to drop so to speak.

“Jaeger! (L/N)!” Lance Corporal Levi calls.

Ah, there’s that other shoe.

By no stretch of the imagination do you hate Corporal Levi. In fact it’s just the opposite, from the time he chose you to serve on his special squad. Unfortunately you got rather tongue-tied whenever he was around. At the present moment you’re trying hard to keep the blush off of your face as you stand up along with Eren and face the short corporal.

“Eren you’re supposed to be with Hanji for more testing. Get your ass to the well before I kick it there.” Levi orders.

“Oh, I forgot!” Eren races off and now you’re left all alone with Levi.

“(Y/n) what is that in your hands?” He asks.

“W-well it’s a-a d-dd-drawing p-pad.” You stutter helplessly.

Levi looks over your trembling form for a moment before he turns away, “I see. What of?”

“W-well just… things I… like?” You almost sound like you’re questioning that.

“Things you like…” He murmurs. Without saying anything to you he then turns and begins to walk away from you.

You stand there confused at his response, what just happened?

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