I've been here the whole time (Erwin Smith x OC)

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From the first day Roderia Tremaine met Erwin Smith in basic training she knew that the two of them were going to be glued together.  Sure, he was a bit strange but she didn't mind. Erwin was interesting and he seemed to not mind her company. Unfortunately over the time Roderia spent with him she slowly fell in love with the man. 

"Erwiiiiin!" Roderia yells as she jumps up and attaches herself to his back. 

The tall blonde stumbles for a moment before righting himself. He slides his arms underneath her legs to lock Roderia in place while simultaneously keeping up his step. Beside the two of them Nile Dawk shakes his head. "You two are weird."

Roderia sticks her tongue out at him, "Says the guy who stalks that poor girl Mary!"

"Erwin does too you know."

She smiles at him with her eyes closed in order to not betray the hurt showing in them, "So? He doesn't look like a creepy serial killer. Besides with the way you flirt it's as though you're yelling at a girl."

"Come on, just calm down you two." Erwin sighs. 

Roderia snorts and presses her face into the back of Erwin's hair, closing her eyes, "Fine I'll stop if he will."

"Erwin, that bitch is crazy. I don't know why you stand her."

"Be quiet Nile."

3 years later: graduation

'The night air is chilly tonight.' Roderia thinks. It was the night before graduation and the party inside the mess hall was going strong. For a while she enjoyed the festivities but eventually decided that she wanted to go and get some fresh air. Leaning against the railing outside Roderia closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath. Things certainly had changed over the years. She'd tightened up her act and made it into the top ten. Roderia had even managed to gain the respect of her instructor and fellow trainees. Yet despite all of this she could never get Erwin to look at her as anything more than a friend. In his eyes it was Mary this and Mary that. It pissed Roderia off to hell. 

Tonight was the calm before the storm to her. Tomorrow Roderia would go through graduation and join the Survey Corps. as was the plan. She knew that Erwin would be joining the Survey Corps as well which only made the decision all the more concrete in her mind. Still Roderia did have her apprehension. After all she did still have a sense of self-preservation. However Roderia couldn't be shaken from her decision, top ten or not.

"You know, the fun is inside."

Roderia smiles, "You know as much as I love parties I just don't feel like it today."

Erwin holds his hand against her forehead, "Are you sure that last round of spin slashes didn't knock your brain loose?"

"Yes I'm sure." She brushes his hand off and walks a litle ways away from him, "I'm just feeling a bit serious tonight."

"You've never been serious a day in your life; what's wrong?" He attempts to settle down next to her but she shakes her head and walk away towards her barracks.

"Don't worry about me Erwin, I'll be fine." Roderia turns her back and keeps walking. Honestly, Roderia loved Erwin but at the moment she just wanted to forget. Too bad in a few years she'd be placed in his squad.


"So why are we here again?" Roderia sighs as she walk next to Erwin. 

He gives her an amused look. Over the past eight years he'd managed to fight his way to hell and back and Roderia had been at his side, watching his back. The two of them were practically inseparable. Of course there was also the factor of the two of them being placed in the same squad and then Roderia being place under Erwin's command.

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