Something real (Au!Levi/Rivaille x Nerdy!Oc)

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It was no joke that Kina Hauchaus was a nerd. No, in fact she was the stereotypical queen of nerds with the fabulous grades, thick-rimmed glasses, and she was the section leader for the flute section in band. She went to bed at ten o' clock every night, didn't go to parties, and had a hard time speaking to anyone of the opposite sex. Needless to say, she wasn't very popular.

"Hey come on Kina or you'll be late." Her half-sister Ymir calls from the kitchen.

Grabbing up her cardigan Kina sighs and shoulders her backpack, "Alright!" She heads out of the room and toward her sister's car.

Getting into the vehicle she dutifully sits in the back, silent, as per protocol while they went to pick up Ymir's girlfriend Krista. Despite Ymir not being nice Krista was a sweetheart. She was kind to a fault and would always try to start up a conversation with Kina every morning. 

"Good morning Kina!" Krista says after getting in and giving Ymir a kiss. 

Kina looks down at her lap, "Hi Krista..."

"Are you okay?"

Kina just nods, attempting to keep silent like her sister says. Ymir's sisterly bond only went as far as driving Kina to school with them every morning. As soon as they were out of the car Ymir wouldn't even acknowledge her. 

They pull into the parking lot and Kina gets out to start walking to class. She hated this school with a passion, there was nothing for her here. She had all of a handful friend in the entire school. She wasn't popular since she blew all of the curves in her classes and because of that she had plenty of bullies. Yes, high school was something that she didn't enjoy at all. 

Making it past the band room to stow away her flute, Kina then heads on toward where her first class is located. Opening up the door to the hallway she slips in but stops short. There in the hallway was her usual tormentors, 'Squad Levi' as she dubbed them long ago. They were four terrors surrounding the 'King', Levi Ackerman. 

At first Kina had a huge crush on the dark haired guy on the first day of school. Unfotunately he turned out to be a complete and utter ass. It dampened her crush but Kina still couldn't deny the attraction she had to him. It wasn't like he ever would consider her though, she was a nerd who put on no make-up and had huge glasses because her parents refused to buy her contacts. Not to mention she dressed like a sixty year-old woman because her mother was too afriad of her 'whoring' her uniform out like those other girls. Besides he chose Petra, someone closer to his... 'level'. 

Levi was a guy of... special status. In other words he could do almost anything at all and never get busted for it. He cheated, he stole, and he beat the crap out of whomever he pleased without being scared of retribution. Also for some reason he picked out Kina as his favorite target. He would knock her books down, steal her backpack, step on her glasses repeatedly, and on top of it all he would always steal her pocket change too. 

She was turning around to go and slip out of the hallway before they noticed her. Unfortunately it wasn't to be, Oluo spotted Kina and as soon as he yelled out a crass remark to her, she stopped cold. "Shit..."

Oluo was the first person to catch up to her. He clamps a hand down on Kina's shoulder and spins her around to face him. He has a leering smile that stretched from one ear to the other as he grabbed her back pack off of her. 

"Hey, this looks a little heavy, let me empty it out for you." Opening it up he dumps the contents all over the floor.

"No!" Kina yells and lunges for her stuff.

"Awe poor thing," Petra coos while stomping on Kina's papers and crushing the heel of her boot into the parchment, "She's so distraught."

Levi suddenly steps up and looks down at Kina, huddled up on the floor, tears pouring down her face. She hated them, she hated them all. "Come on, this is boring now." He then exits the hallway and his 'Squad' is trailing behind him.

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