Thanks (Pt. 2) (Levi/Rivaille x OC)

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In the days passing since Victoria had thanked Levi, the two were in an odd place. Victoria found herself more conscious of the short man than ever before. Levi, himself, really was the same. However he was constantly around Victoria, did she truly not ever notice how closely they worked together? Had they always been around one another so much?

"Oi, you might try eating your food rather than stabbing it with your fancy knives." Levi remarks over dinner.

Victoria ignores him and continues to stab at her potato. To tell the truth Levi made her flustered which was something that Victoria didn't know how to deal with. For so long he had always been that thorn in her side. He was nothing more than a cadet that she had to smack down into place.

Yet a few nights ago, something changed.

It was like for the first time she was seeing him as something... different. Him just being close to her was enough to send her blood pressure shooting up. 

Never before had she felt something like this for someone. Sure she had a few crushes back in her trainee days but those were just that, crushes and nothing more. But this... this was something different from that and it wasn't welcome. She was a woman but that didn't mean that she fell for her team mates. That was a rookie mistake and she certainly wasn't a rookie.

"Here Eren, take my potato, I'm not hungry and you need the food." Victoria dumps the mangled potato on his plate and takes her own dishes into the kitchen. Washing them off quickly she stacks them and heads off toward her room, she needed solitude right now.

"You should eat properly."

There he was again, showing up when he wasn't wanted. "Don't proceed to lecture me like I'm a cadet."

"Then don't act like one."

Victoria grits her teeth, there her heart goes again, "Leave me alone. I may not out-rank you anymore but you certainly don't out-rank me. Goodnight." She leaves before he can respond. She doesn't need to hear any more from him tonight. 

Making it back to her room the woman plops down face-first into her bed. The tension leaves her body and she feels sleep start to take over. 

Tomorrow, tomorrow she would definitely be over this little problem.


Nope, she was definitely not over this.

Morning came up and with Levi giving her a wake-up call personally, her heart was already beating at an uncomfortable pace. Just hearing his voice was enough to make her uncomfortable. Damn that shortie.

Another hit shakes her door, "Oi, hurry up already. Breakfast will be gone at this point."

"Don't order me around shortie." Victoria yawns, still too asleep to think about what she was saying. 

The door bursts open and Victoria is greeted with the sight of an angry, short man. "Don't insult my height."

"Then don't order me around. I already told you once that you don't have enough of a rank to order me."

"You're annoying."

"I try," She stands up and grasps his shoulder, "Now kindly get out of my room so I can go and get dressed." She shoves him out the door and slams it in his face. 

She goes to unbutton her sleeping shirt when Levi kicks open the door, "Do not-." Victoria cuts him off by hurling a knife past his face.

"That's you're only warning. Next one goes into something very precious to you."

The door shuts and Victoria resumes undressing. She places a hand over her heart, hoping to calm it down. Damn that shortie. Finishing dressing she goes out of her room. Levi is leaning against the wall across from her room.

His arms are crossed over his chest and he's looking at the ground, disinterested. Victoria catches herself staring at him and quickly clears her throat.

"What are you doing?"

"Tch, waiting. Are you so blind that you can't pick up on that?" He shoots back.

"I want to stab you in the face. I'm perfectly capable of getting to breakfast on my own."

"Shut up and take my actions for what they are." He falls into step beside her. Their conversation ends and uncomfortable silence takes over. Occasionally Victoria sneaks a peek over to the man, who is just walking normally.

"Keep staring at me and I'll start to think you have feelings for me."

Just hearing those words makes Victoria unstable, "Hmph, as if. You're not attractive to me at all."

Levi whirls around and pins her to the wall. His face comes in close to hers, eyes staring right into her own. Since when was he so unnerving to her now of all times? Why was she suddenly hyperaware of his body and how close he was to her?

"Then why are you blushing?" He asks, voice low. Their lips are barely touching, his breath ghosts over her them and she shivers, god dammit, he was too close.

"Because it's hot in here and you invading my personal space is getting on my nerves."

A few seconds tick by between the two before, finally, he backs away from her, "Tch." 

Victoria attempts to move but her legs give out. God dammit, she faced titans on a daily basis but one short-ass, motherfucker managed to bring her to her knees without even meaning to. She seriously needed to get ahold of herself. Levi smirks, "I don't affect you, huh?"

"Go away, I'm still tired, give me a minute and I'll be fine."

"You're lying."

"Go away, now."

He kneels down and grabs her by her arms, helping her up, "No." His touch is practically burning her. "I'm not going away. I've been trying for so fucking long to get you to look at me."

Victoria still refuses to look at him. In fact having to deal with this insecurity bubbling in her gut was killing her. Half of Victoria's brain was yelling at her to 'fuck the consequences' and the other side of her brain was telling her not to do this and to think about what would happen if they went along together. Hell, they could die any day now too.

"Victoria, quit ignoring me, I'm not going away."

"Levi. I don't know what you want me to say. We're in the middle of an all-out attack on humanity. We could die at any moment and you're standing here pushing me to look at you in a way I never have, ever."

Levi clicks his tongue and crushes their lips together. Victoria tenses up, not expecting the contact in the least. Victoria couldn't deny though that he was a good kisser. After a few of the men she had been in relationships with, Levi still won out in the kissing department.

They break apart and now Victoria can't help the blush that settles across her face. She wasn't expecting contact like that and it caught her off guard. Levi's gaze searches her face and smirks. Victoria smacks him, "D-don't think this changes anything between us."

"We all know that's a lie."

"U-uh... Vic.... Captain? H-Hanji sent me here to tell you breakfast is almost over." Eren stutters, red in the face. Victoria tries to get her face back to normal and hoped to god that her little cousin hadn't seen that.

"Jaeger, report back downstairs, we'll be there in a moment." Levi answer, standing up, proper as ever.

Eren hastily nods but hesitates long enough to catch eye-contact with his cousin. A silent agreement goes between the two and then he heads off from whence he came. Levi helps Victoria up, "I'll consider that your thank-you to me for saving Cadet Jaeger."

She smacks him across the face, "That's what you deserve for kicking the crap out of him." With that she pecks him on the newly formed handprint and heads off into the dining room.

Levi watches her go, a grin on his face, if nothing else that woman was a hellcat capable of keeping him on his toes. He was looking forward to exploring this, if only she didn't hit so hard.  


Okay so I know this isn't that long but I think it fits nicely here. Anyways here's part 2, hope everyone likes. 

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