Justified Paranoia (Daddy!Levi x Mommy!reader ft. Eren)

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“I swear to fuck, if you screw this up I will beat you into a pulp.” Levi threatens Eren with his hand clenching the front of his collar.

You sigh and place a hand on Levi’s shoulder, “Enough Levi, I’m sure Eren will do a fine job of watching Alina. Besides, she adores him.”

Levi lets go of Eren’s shirt grumbling something underneath his breath. You laugh and give Eren a list of names, “Here Eren, this is a list of names that you should refer to if you have any issues. My father is at the top of the list, if he’s not available for whatever reason then go and look for Mike. Hanji is and I mean IS a last resort for taking care of Alina. Now, other than that I’ve left a list of what she’s to eat and what you should keep her out of. Other than that it’s pretty simple I should think.” You smile and then go to get your purse.

Once Levi sees you exit the room he glares over at Eren once more, “I had better get a perfect report from my little girl or else I promise you that I will put you on mucking out the stables until the dawn of time.”

“Levi you had better NOT be threatening him again!” You yell from the bedroom.

Levi straightens up, “Remember.”

Eren nods and attempts to keep his knees from folding up under him; he’d almost forgotten how overprotective Levi was about his ‘precious little girl’.


“Uh… what do you want to do tonight Alina?” Eren asks as he picks the three year old up from her crib.

“Dollies Ewren, dollies!” She yells excitedly.

Eren sweat drops, “Eh… really Alina?”

The three year old shakes her head ‘yes’ quickly, “Dollies! I wanna play dollies with ewren!”

Eren nods and brings Alina and her bag of ‘dollies’ into the living room. He’s so glad that the other cadets couldn’t see him now, he’d never hear the end of it if they could. Sitting down in the middle of the living room area he then helps the little girl lay out all of her dolls and the various outfits. She hands him a doll and Eren holds it like the thing is radioactive, what was he supposed to do with this?

“Silly Ewren, dress Tina in this!” She tosses him a pink, sparkly dress.

“Uh… right.” He grabs up the dress and begins to strip the doll of the other outfit as he attempts to hide his blush.


“Levi… you’re paranoid. Stop obsessing.” You sigh as you brace a hand against your face.

Levi glares at you from across the table, “I don’t think it was a good idea letting the Jaeger brat babysit Alina. He’s famous for screwing up things.”

“Levi, please, please, PLEASE, just STOP OBSESSING.” You plead.

Since you two had walked out of the house Levi had begun to obsess and devise threats toward things that had yet to or would never happen while Eren is babysitting Alina. You knew that Levi was going to be a protective father but you never thought he’d cross the border into obsessive.

“I’m not obsessing, I’m simply worrying-.”

“Over No-thing.”

“Can’t we just drop in unannounced to see-.”

“No Levi!”


Eren yawns as he cradles Alina to his chest. Both of them were covered in her dinner which consisted of spaghetti and a few random mashed vegetables. Getting her fed was a complete nightmare but eventually Eren managed to cut a deal with the cute little she-devil. At the moment she seemed to have run out of energy.

Settling her a little better Eren gazes down at the three year old who was sleeping peacefully on his chest. Her cute pink lips were parted ever so slightly and her small hands clench his shirt gently.

Eren finds this absolutely adorable.

Placing a kiss on her hair Eren closes his eyes for a few moments. Perhaps he could just rest for a little bit before she woke up again.


Eren opens his eyes and yawns as he sits up and rubs his eyes. He hadn’t realized that he’d slept for so long. Especially on a couch, wait… he doesn’t have a couch in his bunk.

Where was he-OH SHIT!

Fully awake Eren looks around to attempt to find Alina. Unfortunately the three year old girl is nowhere to be found. Flinging himself off of the couch Eren hauls ass into Alina’s room to go and find out if she was there unfortunately she wasn’t. Eren yells in fear at what Levi will undoubtedly do to him if he doesn’t find the little girl.

Racing into the ‘inner sanctum’ as Eren secretly dubs it he looks around to see if he can find Alina in your and Levi’s bedroom. Careful not to mess up the immaculate space Eren looks everywhere for the little girl. Unfortunately he still can’t find her. 

Whining in frustration Eren decides he has no choice and runs to go find Erwin.

It takes him only a fraction of five minutes to get to Erwin’s office. Slamming it open Eren has somehow managed to catch Erwin in a meeting with the Squad Leaders. He doesn’t look pleased, “Eren, is there a reason you’ve come barging into my office?” Erwin asks.

“A-Alina… Missing!” He pants.

Erwin is out of his chair in an instant, “We’ll pick this meeting up later.” He says before following Eren back to the apartment.

“Okay so we were here, I’m pretty sure Alina can’t open doors yet, and-and I fell asleep because she was asleep! Anyways I wake up and suddenly she’s gone! She’snotinthebedroomorinthe-.”

“Eren, breathe. Alina can’t open the front door yet and this is a small apartment. She’s got to be around here somewhere. Just search everywhere.” Erwin instructs as he tries to keep his panic under wraps. It’s never a good thing for a grandparent to hear their darling granddaughter has gone missing.

Splitting up the two take to looking all over the apartment; they tear up the cabinets, searching under every bed, couch, and table and they also tore up the ‘inner sanctum’.

The girl was nowhere.

Eren at that moment sat down on the ground and put his head in his hands, his life is over, Levi is going to kill him.

The door swings open and in walks Levi with Alina in his arms giggling, “Brat, you had better have a good reason for us coming home to finding our daughter playing outside in the stairwell, AT NIGHT.”

Eren feels himself die a little on the inside.

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