For jealous men everywhere (Au!Levi/Rivaille x Reader)

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There were many things Levi liked and simultaneously disliked about his girlfriend (F/n). She was talented, smart, and kind. However she had a short temper and was a major flirt. Perhaps that was his fault for not putting a stop to it earlier in their relationship or going over a mutual ground.

"Hey (F/n)!" Eren grins, slinging his arm over her shoulder as she starts to fill up an order of coffee.

She smiles back at him reaching up and tweaking his nose, "Hey their Eren! What's up cutie?"

"Ah nothing, I got bored and decided to see how you were doing."

"Ah I'm amazing! I mean can you believe we actually got a day off? I can't remember the last time this happened!"

Levi narrows his eyes as he comes into the coffee shop, seeing another boy's arm over his girlfriend. Setting his jaw Levi heads over to go and bash a certain cadet in the skull. As soon as Eren spotted Levi, his arm snaps down to his side, a nervous look on his face.

"Cadet Jaeger." Levi says.


"Do you wish to lose your arms?" (F/n) places a hand on Levi's shoulder but he shrugs it off.

Eren's face is blanched, "U-uh no s-sir!"

"Then keep your appendages to themselves, this is you first and final warning." Levi says.

The cadet shuffles off and (F/n) is grinning at her boyfriend, "You are such a jealous man."

"I am not."

"Oh yes you are!" She giggles and pecks him on the tip of his nose, "Any male that interacts with me you have a personal grudge against. I even remember the time you threw my cousin Reiner through the wall when he was talking to me too long-."

"To be fair he was all over you."

"He was my cousin!" She says, incredulous.

Levi snorts, "Tch, regardless he was handsy."

(F/n) shakes her head, "You're impossible you know that? I be you couldn't go a single week without getting jealous and trying to kill someone interacting with me."

"I bet I can."

(F/n) leans over the counter, head propped up on a hand. Levi feels a bit nervous as he looks at her, whenever she got that look it didn't go well for him. "Okay then let's make a bet. If I win you have to be my manservant for a few days, anything I want you do."

"And if I win?"

Her lips curl up into a smirk, "Then I'll admit that you were right and I was wrong and then wear a t-shirt saying I'm your girlfriend for an entire month at work."

"Two months." He quips.

"One month or no go."

"Fine." They shake hands on it and the bet was made.


Already (F/n) was beginning to sweat. It was Wednesday already and so far Levi had yet to crack. If she didn't go and get him to lose his cool in just four more days then she was officially screwed. Serving up the next few drinks she slides them over the counter smiling up at the customers. The guy grins back winking as he starts to head toward the door.

"I know what you're doing."

(F/n) whips around to see Levi leaning against the counter top, "Oh? What do you mean?" She asks, lips quirking up into a small smile.

"You're not going to win."

(F/n) rolls her eyes before she gets out a cup to start making Levi his usual, "You're so sure that it's going to be even funnier when you finally lose it."

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