Beach (Au!Levi/Rivaille x OC)

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There are many types of people in the world, those who are laid back and ready to go with the flow and then others who want to try and control everything. They're the people who often come off as unapproachable and coarse. People around them wonder how they got the way they were and exactly how they managed to be in or keep a relationship. Levi Ackerman is one of those people.

He was brash, crude, and brazen. Levi was one of those people you don't want to cross on the sidewalk. However despite all of this he managed to have the nicest girlfriend in the world, to those that worked for her and she was friends with. Michelle was a woman who was able to challenge Levi and at the same time keep him in line. In fact looking in at the two one would assume they hated each other and were not in fact dating. 

"We're not going." He says.

The small woman glares at her boyfriend of four years. She plants her feet on the ground and places her hands on her hips, "We're going."

"No, we're not."

"Yes, we are."

The two glare at one another and poor Hanji and Erwin are stuck in the middle watching the verbal match between the two. They both aready knew who was going to win but they decided to wait it out in the end to see if a different outcome would arrive. 

Michelle rolls her eyes and flicks her dark hair over a shoulder, "Well fine then I guess you can sit here and just look at the wall for the rest of the day. I'm going out to go swimming and you aren't going to stop me."


"Alright then let's break up."

Hanji and Erwin's mouths fall open at the threat. Never before had they thought that the Michelle would really go that far. It was known that the two were hotheads but even this was an extreme. Levi opens and closes his mouth several times before he stands up, "You would really... break up over wanting to just go to the stupid beach?"

Michelle looks over to the two spectators, "Outside now." They get up and exit quickly, they don't want to get caught up in this, "Do you seriously think that I'm so shallow Levi?"


"Shut up!" I wanted to go to the beach with you because we barely spend time together! You're always working so this is it. Either go to the beach with us or I'm going to split. I'm not going to do this compromising shit."

Levi sighs and pulls her into his chest, "I'm sorry. I'll go."

Michelle brightens up and kisses him on the cheek, "Good then let's get dressed and get going."


Already Levi was regretting his choice of coming along. Michelle had decided to wear a two-piece swim suit without a cover up. Already Levi could see men were looking her up and down like their next conquest. Levi was going to have to knock some teeth, he can feel it. Next to him Hanji and Erwin are carrying the stuff since they were the ones to ask if the two were going to the beach. 

"Come on, there's a good spot." She takes his hand in hers and moves over to where she's pointing.

Picking out a nice spot she turns to Hanji and picks out the the blanket from the bag. Spreading it out onto the ground it's a scramble to get every corner pinned down before the sheet picked itself up and flew away. Levi stamps a shoe down on the last corner and leave it there with the other one. Michelle comes over and grins up at him, her eyes alight with happiness. She reaches up and pulls his lips to hers in a short kiss. 

Separating from him she goes over and helps Erwin and Hanji set out the stuff they brought. She looks too beautiful today with her curly hair flowing in the wind and that new two piece of hers fitting her body perfectly. She was truly a sight to behold.

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