Tattoos (Au!Levi/Rivaille x Reader) (Pt.1)

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Meeting Levi was definitely something that was a chance encounter in (F/n)'s life. She still remembered it like it was yesterday only because it was so shocking. Levi was by far not the typical guy, he had tattoos up his arms, piercings, and an equally bad attitude. Hell even the way you met was atypical.

The day had started out well enough with (f/n) getting up at seven o'clock in the morning and getting ready. She ate breakfast at seven ten and at seven-thirty was getting into her car to go and get to work. Nothing really out of the ordinary there. It was actually on her way to work that things got strange. From the apartment (F/n) lived in to her work was aproximately twenty miles, seventeen minutes, away. Every morning she would get onto the interstate and promptly get off of it two exits later to arrive at seven forty-seven and be in her desk by seven fifty.

Except for today.

Today (F/n) was running a little behind in her schedule. She got up late, got dressed late, ate late, and left late. She was positively flustered. In the eight years she had been working her job never once had she been late. Still she drove the speed limit on her usual route, only to hit an ungodly traffic jam.

(F/n) groans and flops back against her seat, placing her car in park and killing the ignition like everyone else. It was clear that no one was going anywhere. Unbuckling her seatbelt (F/n) gets out of the car and leans against it, enjoying the cool air on her face. However feeling a tiny drop of moisture hit her face, she opens her eyes to see dark rain clouds had gathered and were starting to pour down rain. 


Quickly hopping back into her car (F/n) kicks off her heels and turns just the battery power on in the car to get some air flowing, ensuring it won't be stuffy. Sitting back and looking around she feels bad to see a guy sitting there on an old motor cycle getting rained on. Feeling back she rolls down her window, "Hey!" He looks over at her surprised, "You wanna come sit in here until the rain stops or the traffic starts moving?" She yells. 

For a moment it looks like he's debating what to do before he finally takes the key out of the ignition of his motorcycle and comes over to the car. He shuts the door behind him and strips off his helmet. (F/n) is shocked to see the piercings first, next is the slate gray eyes. She masks her shock before he can properly look at her.

"You're pretty fucking weird. Why invite me into your car? You don't even know me?" Those harsh words are the first things out of his mouth.

(F/n) resists the urge to snap his head off for spitting in the face of her kindness, "Because today is already bad enough and I figured that perhaps you would like to not get rained on. However if you came over here to insult me you're free to get out."

"Tch, whatever thanks."

"You're not used to people being nice to you are you?" (F/n) shoots back, amused.

He rolls his eyes, "Not from people like you."

"People like me?" Pray tell what were 'people like her' so to speak? Did she somehow project a persona she didn't know about?

"White collar workers in regular nine to five jobs society respects."

(F/n) was really beginning to be annoyed with this bastard. If he wasn't so gorgeous to look at she probably would've thrown him out of her car long ago. Still he was pretty cute and she had been in between boyfriends for a while now. 

"So tell me then, what is it that you do?"

"I'm a tattoo artist. I work at that shop called Legioners Tattoo on Zackley street. Why?"

Now it was (F/n)'s turn to smirk, she rolls up the sleeve of her shirt to show a tatto on her forearm, "Yeah I know the place, got my third tattoo from Erwin a couple years back. They do quality work. I'm (F/n) by the way, (F/n) (L/n)."

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