Keeping Up Appearances (AU!Eren Jaeger x Reader)

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“(Name) hurry or we’re gonna be late!” Eren yells.

You hop around as you pull your stockings up, “Ah! Just a minute! I’ll be out really soon!” You call back from the bathroom the two of you share.

It’s been about a month or so since you moved in with Eren. It’s been a wonderful time and you can’t help but feel the familiar feeling of love bubble in your stomach at the sight of him. It was then that you’d realized that the only reason you had dated Bertoldt was because you were trying to get your mind off of Eren. It was the very end of the month now and the two of you have to go to a mandatory faculty party that vice president Hanji decided to throw. At the moment you’re pulling your dress on but realize that you can’t zip it up in the back.

“Ah, Eren I need you to zip this up for me!” You call out to your roommate and crush.

You walk into the room and hold your hair out of the way. Eren comes up behind you and he battles with the zipper for a moment or two before he manages to zip it, “Th-there. Are you ready to go?”

You nod your head and take his hand like you always do now, “Yup! Let’s go!”

The party was as you expected it to be, fancy. The ballroom of a five star hotel was rented. All around the lights were from sparkling crystal chandeliers and all of the guests were dressed to their absolute finest. Alcohol was being served from an open bar and many of your coworkers were already there. You and Eren walk in and immediately find Hanji there grinning in a long length coral gown. If the smile on her face got any wider she would surely have to get surgery to unstick it.  

“Welcome! I’m so glad that you two finally made it! Ah, (Name) you look beautiful in that (F/c) dress! Of course you look wonderful as well Eren, nice catch you got there. So how long have you two been going out?” She says.

“Oh we a-.” You smile and clutch Eren’s hand hard to cut him off.

Generally you would tell the truth but unfortunately you spot your ex, Bertoldt, and his new bitch Annie from across the room. “Oh not long.” You say and then all but drag Eren away to explain.

“(Name) what the hell?” He asks when you drag him to a secluded corner of the dance floor.

“I’m really sorry Eren! I just saw my ex and I really don’t want him to know that I’m here without a date…” You look down at your feet as you two sway around the dance floor.

Eren’s fingers gently grasp your chin and make you look at him, “You’re not here alone, you’ve got me and I won’t let you go like that idiot.” He whispers.

You look into his eyes, “You won’t?”

“Never, you know why?”


His lips are by your ear, “Because I know a great catch when I see it. Bertolt was an idiot to let you go, I won’t make the same mistake and lose you to some other bastard.”

You back up a bit to look him in the eyes, “W-what?”

“I really like you (Name)… do you think that you could give me a chance?”

You feel like crying from joy, “Yes, Oh Eren!”

You go to hug him but Eren does one better. He sweeps you into a low dip and kisses you straight on the lips. There are gasps all around the room but the two of you are too caught up in the moment to even care about what the others are doing.

Breaking apart the both of you grin and continue dancing, your head on his shoulder.

Through the crowd you spot Bertolt watching with wide eyes and you could only grin, at least now you wouldn’t have to keep up appearances.


Ah! Okay so I know i was supposed to do Bertolt next but I couldn't help but publish this one next! I mean after I got the first eren shot down I couldn't help but do this one as well! The blot bunnies just decided to multiply!

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