Understanding what we've grown to be (Au!Reiner Braun x Partiallyblind!Oc)

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"I'm sorry Kayla, your eyesight isn't improving." 

"So then what does that mean for me?" The voice is quivering.

"Well... it means that over time your eyesight will continue to lessen until you can't see anything. When that happens you'll be marked as legally blind."

Kayla's Pov

"Kayla, be careful. Oh please just use the cane."

"No." The bluenette grabs up her purse and slings it over her shoulder along with her backpack. "I'm not blind yet so I refuse to use that. I refuse until the day that I truly can't get by on my own."

"But honey you're practically blind now!"

"Good-bye mother." Kayla slams the door behind her and starts off on her way to the local community college. 

'Practically blind huh? Well... compared to now I don't think that I'll find it much of a difference. Still, I refuse to use that damn cane now.' Kayla thinks bitterly as she makes her way down the sidewalk. From a young age Kayla's parents had noticed the little girl having trouble with her eyesight; she wouldn't see things as well or as far as other kids. Taking her to the doctor's office they were given the terrible news that Kayla's eyes were less than stellar. 

Upon the news that Kayla would most likely be completely blind by twenty-one had Kayla and her parents in tears. Still, while Kayla sucked it up and accepted her inevitable fate, her parents did not. They often babied her and felt like they had to make excuses for her that Kayla herself didn't allow. She was blind not criminally damaged. 

"Watch out!" 

Kayla turns around just in time for something to hit her in the head. Gasping she falls to the ground and barely has time to cover her head before she smacked into the pavement. Pain errupted up the side of her body and Kayla finds her already blury vision swimming.

"Holy hell I'm sorry. Are you alright?" A deep male voice asks.

"Ugh... what the hell man? What did you throw at me?" She returns while sitting up a bit.

The blonde blur in front of her shuffles and she sees a smaller blur attached to the guy reach up toward what Kayla made out to be his head. Most likely he was scratching or rubbing the back of his neck. "Er... it was a to-go coffee mug. I was tossing it to my friend Bertolt when you stepped in the way. Didn't you see it?" Some blur is held close to her face now.

Kayla gives him a flat stare, "No, I'm partially blind you dumbass."


"Yes, so next time I'd just hand your friend his mug rather than hurl it at light speed."

A hand brushes her arms before she's picked up and set on her feet, "There, I'm really sorry."

"I understand that but do I at least get to know the name of the guy who tried to give me brain damage?" She jokes.

"Reiner, Reiner Braun."

"I'm Kayla Aspen; nice to meet you." She purposely juts her hand forward and into his stomach.

Reiner crumples on the ground and Kayla giggles, "Sorry, we can call it even now. Cool?"

"Yeah," He gets back to his feet, "Tell me, where are you going?"

Kayla laughs and holds up her backpack, "Class of course."

"Well I know that smart one, what class?"

"Ah, I'm going to Professor Smith's class."

Kayla then figures their interaction is done and starts walking down the way she memorized to Professor Smith's class. As she's on her way she hears familiar thundering footsteps behind her and before long they slam down on the pavement right next to her. The female jolts for a moment before she turns her head, though that was mostly pointless considering.

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