Breathe you will be just fine(Final part) (Levi rivaille x reader)

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"Asoka, you're doing it again." Levi sighs as he turns our car into a large driveway.

I jump at the sound of his voice, "I can't help it. I've heard war stories about them!"

"Tch, they're not that bad."

"You lived with them! They're your parents!" I shoot back.

Levi rolls his eyes as he places the car in park. I gather up my things and Levi opens the door for me. He holds out his hand for me to take which I gladly did. There were too many butterflies in my stomach for me to even think about saying anything. We get to the door and Levi knocks on the door. It’s not long before the door opens.

At the door is his mother. She’s got dark hair down to her shoulders and sharp blue eyes. Her mouth is more or less a straight line as she looks at me and I can honestly say that I’m scared shitless. I can tell where Levi gets his intense gaze from. She’s dressed in a pristine white dress with long sleeves and a pair of black heels.

“Mother.” Levi says as he steps up.

As soon as her eyes land on her son they light up, “Levi! Oh honey I’ve missed you.” She hugs him tightly, “You should come home more to visit.”

“Asoka and I are often very busy.”

“Yes. I can see.” Her tone flattens and she steps aside to allow us into the house.

I attempt to hold my head high as I walk past her. The house is nicely decorated and I’m beginning to worry about how I look. Levi told me I looked just fine the entire way here but his parents and their house made me feel a bit… lesser.

Stepping into the kitchen I encounter Levi’s father. His father is even scarier than his mother. The man looks like Levi but with a different haircut and slight stubble to his chin. A fine suit is put on his frame, Armani no doubt. He’s holding a glass of wine in one hand while the other clasps his son on the shoulder. He then turns to me and extends a hand, a tentative smile on his face.

I smile politely and shake his hand as well. I hope I’m doing a good enough job of not showing how nervous I am.

“Welcome to our home, I’m Marcel.” He says his voice gruff.

“Thank-you for having me here, it’s very lovely.”

“I’d expect it to be, I’m the highest rated interior decorator in the states.” Levi’s mother walks into the room, a frown directed right at me.

“Mother.” Levi hisses.

I put on my best smile, “It’s okay Levi, I’m sure that’s meant to be a regular comment.”

Levi gives me a look but none the less drops the subject. Levi’s father takes that moment to ask if I’d like a tour of the house. I can tell that he’s trying to diffuse the growing tension and I leap at the chance to get out of this room. Mr.Marcel begins to walk out of the room and I go to follow him. Levi and his mother stay put. I turn back to look at Levi but he just nods his head in his father’s direction. I take this as the cue to leave them.

Mr. Marcel is waiting for me as I join him in the living room. He takes me around and shows me each room of the house, excluding their bedroom. Occasionally he’ll point out a few interesting things such as accent pieces or whatever but I can tell that he’s just reciting what his wife has most likely droned on for hours about.

“Thank you for the tour of your home Mr. Rivaille.” I say as we end up in the parlor.

“Please call me Marcel, I’m sure you’re going to be around from now on.” He sits down in a leather lounge chair.

“Oh okay.” I sit. Cue the awkward silence.

“Don’t worry about Anne, she’ll come around with you.”

“Sir… I don’t understand why she doesn’t like me. I haven’t done anything…”

Marcel chuckles, “It’s her own mother thing. She’s never thought anyone is good enough for Levi, always doted on our boy. I can’t even recall the number of fights they would get into when she overstepped her boundaries with protective measures.”

“I’m sure it’s because she loves him.”

“Yes but Anne will have to realize that she can’t be the only woman in our son’s life. Levi really cares about you and he’ll fight his mother tooth-and-nail to get her to be amicable with you.”


He nods, “Yes, they’re both stubborn as mules.”

I giggle but soon quiet down as yelling is heard from the kitchen. Seconds later Levi’s mother, Anne, burst into the room and takes a seat down next to her husband. Levi walks in soon after and sits down next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulders.

“So what did we miss?” He asks calmly.

Marcel chuckles, “Nothing much, Asoka and I were having a wonderful conversation on the Persian rug.” He lies.

Levi seems to know it’s a lie but none the less goes with it, “I see, yes Asoka is very knowledgeable of such matters. She went to school to study fashion, interior and runway.”

“Hmph.” Anne says.

Levi glares at her but none the less says nothing. I smile nervously, “Uh… so what are we having for dinner? It smells delicious.”


I sigh as Levi and I are walking to his car. Tonight was a total disaster; I want to go home and curl up in a ball and cry myself into a coma. His mother hates the sight of me and I feel like his father doesn’t hate me as much. Now I can see what all of the horror stories were all about, I feel like I went through a routine dentist checkup without brushing for a few months.

“That went well.” Levi says as he speeds on toward home.

I snort, “That was a disaster Levi!”

“Tch, you don’t understand how my parents are normally when I bring a girl to meet them. The last one didn’t even make it through dinner before my mother drove her off. Besides, my father actually likes you, that’s good.”

I feel the tears bubbling up, “I’m sorry, I feel like it’s my fault that your mother hates me.”

We stop at a red light and Levi takes my face in his hands, making me look at him, “None of that is your fault so stop blaming yourself. I told you before, I love you and I’m not about to let my mother’s attitude drive you off. You’re not a lesser person, don’t let her make you think that.”

I smile at my fiancé, I really love him. He always makes me feel better, “Thank you Levi, I love you.”

“Tch, I love you too, so stop stressing.” He pecks me on the lips before taking off as the light changes.

I lean back and breathe out the stress of the night. In the end Levi was right, I’m just fine. 

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