Chemicals React (Au!Eren Jaeger x Oc)

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You make me feel out of my element. Like I'm drifting out to the sea, like the tide's pulling me in deeper. Makin' it harder to breathe. 

Silver Flint was so beautiful and she didn't even know it. This was what Eren decided as he watched the girl hang her head as she walks through the hallways. She was one who was apparently born with hair that was silver, it was a family trait that the first born was always born with hair that color. Eren found it beautiful but it wasn't the same for her, she didn't really like it much. Though she wasn't one to really let it get her down or get bullied about it. 

Heading over to her, Eren gave her a smile. Silver returns the sentiment but the smile doesn't reach her ears like normal. Something was definitely wrong. He takes her gently by the arm to get her to stop. "Alright, what's wrong? What happened?"

She shakes her head, "It's nothing Eren, don't worry about it. My parents are just being idiots once again."

"Do you need to stay over at my house again?"

"No it's okay, really. It sounded like they were resolving their problems when I left this morning." She spots Jean and gives Eren a smile, "I'll see you later okay?"

Eren felt the jealousy bubble up in his gut. For the past six months Silver had been dating Jean Kirstein. Eren absolutely detested him for no other reason than he got the majority of Silver's attention and her time. "Eren?" 

Shaking out of his thoughts Eren saws that Silver was blinking up at him, confusion in her eyes. "Yeah no it's cool. I'll just catch up with you later."

Silver gave his arm a comforting squeeze before she went off to Jean. The blonde/brunette put his arm over her shoulders and pulled her in close to his side. Eren wanted to rip that arm off; Jean knew that he liked Silver but he asked her out anyways. While it sounded like a whiny problem it really pissed him off. Still if Silver liked him then the Jeager would stand down for now.

"You should just tell her how you feel man." Connie said as he came by. 

Eren shook his head and walks with him to their next class, "She's dating Jean, it wouldn't do any good."

"Eh well... not for much longer."

"What do you mean?" The two of them enter into Calculus and sit down in their seats.

Connie looked around to see if anyone else was listening in before he turned back to Eren, "From what I heard from Sasha, Jean is cheating on Silver with Mikasa."

Eren slammed his knee into the top of his desk in surprise, "What? You can't be serious. Mikasa would never do something like that to Silver."

"Yeah well that's only what I heard. I'm not sure if it's correct or not." Shrugging Connie went back to getting his stuff out.

Like I'm walkin' on broken glass, like my worlds spinnin' in slow motion and you're movin' too fast.

All throughout class Eren couldn't stop thinking about what Connie had told him. It just didn't make sense, he would have to ask Mikasa when they're on their way home. Looking at the clock Eren saw it was only ten minutes until school ended.When the bell rang Eren was the first out of his seat and off to go and find his adopted-sister.

He exited the mall hall and stopped short to seeing Mikasa there kissing Jean. Anger soars through him at the sight. He could expect Jean to do something like that but he thought Mikasa would be better, "Oi! What the hell are you doing? Don't you know that this is going to hurt Silver?" Eren yelled at the two, breaking them apart.

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