Unconditional (Jean Kirstein x OC)

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The air of the group was somber at best. Squad Levi had just made it to a safehouse after going through town with the Central Military Police chasing after them. Levi is staring straight ahead as Sasha sews his injuries shut. The rest of them just stood about, unsure of what they should be doing.

Another whimpering cry accompanied by the sound of an emptying stomach cuts through the tense silence. Mikasa sighs and gets to her feet, heading out to check on Armin. Sephora watches her go with listless eyes. She felt so bad for Armin, he was such a sweet guy. Weak, but sweet none the less. It pained her that he would be suffering so much from taking his first life but at the moment she had bigger things to worry about, namely Jean Kirstein. 

The two had met their first day of training, just like the rest of the remaining 104th trainees squad. She and he fell in together almost instantly. They had become great friends once she ignored his rough, unpersonable outside. Then Marco had joined there group and Sephora felt that they were finally complete, she had a pack of friends she would watch out for no matter what. They had earned her trust and by the end of their training years she had more than earned theirs.

Sephora goes over to where Jean is seated on the floor, back against a wooden crate. He looks rough, eyes dark and haunted.

"Hey, you doing okay?" Sephora places a hand on his shoulder, a comforting gesture.

He looks away from her, "How am I supposed to be doing or feeling right now? Either way we were going to lose that. Either Armin killed her or that woman would've killed me."

"It's not your fault-."

"I should've been the one to shoot first! I should've had to take that responsibility and instead Armin was the one who had to deal with the fall out!" Jean is on his feet, screaming at his only best friend left.

Sephora looks up at him calmly as though she wasn't phased by his outburst at all, "It's just the way this world works. There is always going to be something out there wanting to kill you. If it's not a titan it's a human and if it's not a human it's an animal. Face the facts, accept what has happened, and be glad for the second chance Armin provided you with."

"Shut up! I thought you were seeing how I was doing not lecturing me!" Jean slams his foot into a crate before heading out of the barn. Sephora only watches him go. 

This was also usual. Sephora was a pretty patient person when it came to Jean. She had him figured out since the first week of spending time together with him. Despite the two of them usually getting along, when something was bothering the guy he would bottle it up and let it eat him on the inside until he finally burst. By challenging him and getting him to explode about it earlier Sephora was able to help him get it all out and get over the problem much faster. Not to mention he always came around after his freak outs.

"Oi, Cadet Archer." Sephora looks at Levi, her green eyes zeroing in on him with frightening attention. "Keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't go too far."

She salutes him, "Aye, aye captain."

Sephora exits the barn in search of Jean. It wasn't like she was accustomed to taking the life of a human but she had been around her fair share of death since the day they'd graduated. Not to mention the village she lived in had a lot of people who would die from seasonal diseases and animal attacks. As callous as it sounded she was pretty detatched about the whole kill or be killed thing. She understood that she was not the biggest thing on the food chain and she was as cool as she could be with that.

It doesn't take her long to find him sitting a little ways off and looking at his hands. Sephora sits down next to him having to fight the urge to toss her arm over his shoulder. Right now she didn't really know where to gage him at and she wasn't about to get slapped because he didn't want to be touched.

"Hey, I'm sorry for... seeming so calloused." Sephora remarks.

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "I know that you're right but I can't help but think about how my life got so messed up. When I joined the military I expected to be in the MP right now living a comfortable life and yet here I am risking my life for a cause I don't even know will succeed. What happened?"

Sephora reaches out and holds his hand now that she's deemed it safe, "You grew up Jean. Who you are now is so vastly different from who you were. Face it, both of us are not the same people we once were. You've made some life-long friendships and because of that you're now looking past your own nose. You've become someone I've begun to admire."

He looks over at her confused, "You... admire me?"

"Of course, you're strong, loyal, and you care about your comrades." She smirks and pokes him in the chest, "Even Eren, despite you swearing up and down that you don't. You realize him as a valuable comrade and because of that you will do anything to protect those close to you. It's because of this that I can say you've earned my unconditional loyalty and support. No matter what you do or where we end up from this point on I will always be by your side; just like before."

Jean smiles a bit though Sephora can see it's strained. Jean leans his head on her shoulder and Sephora places a hand on top of it. She knows he won't be okay for a while but that was fine. She would be by his side no matter what. After all, Sephora thinks she might be in love with him. 


I hope this isn't too bad but i didn't really know exactly how to do a Cannon jean without going back to Trost or training and frankly I'm so over Trost. So I hope this works!

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