Damn Cold Night (Bertolt Hoover x Reader)

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He was shy, you were outgoing.

He sweat uncontrollably, you seemed to be beautiful and dry all the time.

He had problems uttering a word to you, You had no issues with engaging him in a conversation.

Yes, you two were complete opposites but there was one thing you both shared in common; love.

You sigh and lean against the railing outside of the mess hall. The 104th trainee's squad dinner was now but you weren't hungry. In fact you actually hadn't eaten anything at all today. Tomorrow was graduation and you were sad. After graduation all of the friends you'd made would go their own ways and chances were that you'd never see them again.

While most of the cadets had the three branches of the military to choose from you didn't get that choice. Two days ago you'd recieved a letter via Shadis. Inside it was detailed orders that upon graduation you'd be joining the Undercover Ops as per their 'request'. branch of the military. Essentially they were the undercover military operatives that were never seen. They operated from the shadows and they never left a trace. Unforunately it also was non-refusable.

Yes, after tomorrow you'd disappear from everyone forever. You'd never be able to associate with them again. That depressed you to no fucking end.

"(Name)? W-ww-what are you d-doing out here?" 

Ah, there he was, Bertolt Hoover. 

AKA, the only boy you'd managed to fall head over heels for.

You loved everything about him; his strange stammering whenever he talked to you, the way he seemed to always have a bead of sweat on his forehead, the way he'd stare at you when he thought you weren't looking. Yes, you adored everything about him. You were irrevocably in love with him.

"U-Uhm... (N-Name)?" He prompts you back into the present.

You shake your head and smile bitterly, "Nothing Bertolt, I just needed to catch some air. I can't believe graduation is tomorrow."

"M-me either."

You both lapse into silence for a moment.

"I-it's cold out t-tt-tonight." He states suddenly.

You smile again and then in a moment of courage you lean over to your fellow trainee and kiss him on the lips softly. Breaking away you then begin to walk away, "A damn cold night." You whisper.

Tomorrow graduation happened.

The day after that you suddenly disappeared.

He wanted to tell you he loved you, he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend, he wanted to have you by his side forever.

Too bad he was a little too late.



Waaaaaahhhhhhhh! The feels I can't take it!

I can't believe i wrote something so heartwrenching!!!!! T.T 

FORGIVE ME Kirstenkid997, I know you wanted this!

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