Joys of Halloween (Au!Levi/Rivaille x Male!Oc)

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“No way you can’t be serious Levi!” Ashe yells at him. The two had been walking back to their dorms together when Levi had let it slip that he hated Halloween, Ashe’s favorite holiday.

“I just don’t okay? It’s nothing to get upset about.” He growls.

Ashe makes a face at him, “It is a big deal Levi! There are so many great things about Halloween! I can’t imagine why you hate it! I mean there’s candy involved and dressing up for a day without being judged! Besides all of the Halloween parties are to die for!”

Levi ignores his boyfriend of a year as they step into the apartment complex. They had met a long time ago when they had both suffered through Professor Pixis' philosophy class. Despite not hitting it off in the beginning the two, through various assignments, had at first become friends. It was only when Ashe and Levi were paired up for a college work-trip that they really clicked and started something. 

Being in college was great and all but Sina University was known for the parties that were thrown throughout the year and aside from the New Year’s Party, the Halloween Party was the largest consumption of alcohol in one night. Then there was all of the crazy, drunkards running the streets all night long smashing things.

"You know you're not going to convince me right?"

Ashe snorts, "Oh I'll convince you alright. I'm going to show you all the fun of Halloween! Besides I'm throwing my own party this year so I need someone to help me and last I checked, you do owe me."

"I'm not going to help you plan this, I mean the holiday is just stupid."

"Okay then I'm not going to help you with your paper due in two days." He shoots back.

"Okay, I didn't need your help anyways. I asked you to work with me on the paper for your benefit not mine."

Ashe pouts, "But Leeeevvviiiii! You said you'd help meeeee!"

"Then stop being annoying." Levi grabs the finger Ashe was about to poke him with and stares point blank at Ashe.

Ashe blushes before leaning in and kissing Levi on the lips, "Please come and help me plan a party?"


Another kiss, "Please?"


Ashe kisses a trail up the shell of Levi's ear, "Come on, please? I really wanna spend time with you sweetheart."



"Okay, so we're going to go and first get the food." Ashe says as he takes Levi's hand and swings it in his own.

Levi looks down at their linked hands and after a short debate holds Ashe's hand back. Ashe was definitely high maintenence but you can't always pick who you fall in love with. Besides he did have his own good points, most of which Levi would never share with anyone else.

"By food you mean candy?"

"Ne~ Levi come oooonnnnnn! You're so slow!" Ashe tugs on his arm to try and make him walk faster as they entered into the grocery store.

Levi rolls his eyes, "Calm down, we'll be fine getting there without running."

"Come on ya slow poke! I think my grandfather is faster than that!"

"I doubt that."

Ashe rolls his eyes, "I dunno, I mean you do act like a grumpy old man."

"I'm only twenty-six."

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