I'll be your family (Connie Springer x Reader)

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The first time you met Connie Springer, you thought he was a complete idiot. After all, the first time you ever saw him he was holding his hand for the salute on the wrong side of his chest. Not to mention the fact that you were standing next to him when Shadis busted his ass. 

"SHOW ME THAT YOU'RE NOT AS STUPID AS THAT ONE!" Shadis screams in your face.

"How would you like me to show you, sir?!" You yell back.


"I'm sorry sir but I can honestly tell you that at least I have my salute down! Other than that I haven't seen any other skills of his to be better at!"

"DISAPPOINTING!" He slams his fist down on the top of your head and you crumple to the ground cursing.

Shadis steps away to go and heckle the other new recruits. You glare over at Connie, cursing his very existence, "I... hate you..." You cough.

"S-sorry..." He groans back from his own spot on the ground.

"S-Save it you ass..."

Needless to say after Potato Girl's slip up Shadis ended the seminar early to deal with her. You managed to get to your feet and make it out of the dirt and into your bunk. Lying down on the cot you throw your arm over your eyes and slowly fade into sleep. 

You sigh as the dinner bell rings. It had been about two days since the first day of training camp. Pushing yourself up and out of the bunk you slowly make your way toward dinner. Your head had stopped hurting but you were still in a pretty bad mood. Sliding into the mess hall you grab up your dinner and sit down at an open table, what you didn't expect however was a certain shaved headed person coming to sit across form you. 

"What do you want?" You ask.

"What's your name?"

You narrow your eyes while staring straight into his bright hazel ones, "(Y/n) (L/n) from (hometown)."

"Connie Springer from Ragako Village, it's nice to meet you." He grins.

You fix him with another look, why was this conversation happening again? "Listen I'm not exactly sure what this is so I'm going to be frank, is there any reason we're talking?"

Connie looks down at his food for a moment before fixing her with an honest gaze, "I'm really sorry about today and I don't want to get on your bad side on the first day. I mean you seem cool and all and I'd like to know that we have each other's backs."

You look at Connie for a moment more before you nod your head, "Okay, I guess I can forgive you for this. I mean I guess it's not your fault Shadis is in a perpetually bad mood."

Connie grins and offers a hand to which you took, this was the first time you really felt that you could get along with him. It actually started out what would be a long time relationship between you two. 


The two of you throughout the five years of training had become really close. In fact you both turned into best friends. He'd helped you when you needed it and in return you'd repay the favor. Despite the fact that you didn't make it into the top ten out of the recruits you happily congradulated Connie when he did make it. Throughout the years you were surprised with the fact that lately you'd begun to feel something more for your best friend. At different times though it almost looked like he returned the sentiment, something you were overjoyed at.

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