Hot Blonde in Back (Au!Reiner x male!OC)

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Bret's Pov

The first day of Bret's Psychology class in college was interesting to say the least. The tall, dark haired young man files into the auditorium and immediately takes a seat in the middle section. Setting up his place he sits back and sighs. He was fresh out of high school and stressed out about his first day. Bret was glad that he'd at least managed to find his class. Unfortunately he was about twenty minutes early so he was left to sit about in his seat and watch students come into the class.

It was about twenty minutes in when things got interesting. A group of three came in, they were obviously upper classmen. Two guys and a girl. One guy is a rather tall, slender young man. He has short, dark hair and green eyes and is slightly tanner than the others. He's dressed in a blue crewneck tee with a dark  jacket on and one strap of his backpack slung over a shoulder. 

Finally the woman. She's a girl of considerably short height with a small yet very muscular build and physique. She has moderately short hair that's tied at the back, with her right fringe mainly draping over the right side of her face. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, a pronounced nose, and pale complexion. Her hair color is noticeably paler than her guy friend. Her eyes, although of considerable size and proportion, has a sullen vibe. She dressed in grey jeans and a white hoodie and the only thing she carries in an Apple laptop.

It was one guy in particular though that Bret locked in on. He has short blond hair and gold eyes. His large height and broad shoulders give him an intimidating presence. The guy is dressed in a grey v-neck with a white button up over that, dark jeans, and a messenger bag tossed over his shoulders. Bret feels his mouth watering at the sight of that hot piece of muscled human.

The trio walk past him without so much as a glance in his direction and sit in the back of the lecture hall. Bret can only feel a spark of disappointment though, considering the fact that they probably wouldn't look at him. Class starts up and Bret can't help but think about that delectable blonde sitting in the back. He can only imagine what it would be like to run his fingers through that hair, to feel the lean muscle underneath that skin-.

Bret slams his hands down on the small student table attached to his seat. Thoughts like that often got him into trouble. However his face heats up as he realizes that most of the people around him are watching him. He ducks his head down and just wants to die.


"Dude are you kidding me? Why do you get to have all of the hot guys?" Sasha groans and slumps over the metal table.

Bret rolls his eyes, "Sash, sweetie, listen. I love you like you were my very own sister but if you're not here to buy something and then take up table space, I need you to leave."

Sasha frowns, "You know I would buy something but I already maxed out my meal stubs for the week."

"Already! Sasha it's only tuesday!" Eren yells as he, Mikasa, and Armin sit down around her.

"I was hungry!"

"Then go eat some potatoes! I know you have some of those lying around!" Bret joins in.

"But I wanted some meat... but now I'm really hungry too..."

Bret's right eye twitches before he tosses down the wet rag he was holding onto the table and stalking off toward the kitchen. He'd gotten a job as one of the servers/bus boys in a nice cafe on campus. Bret loved it here because not only was everything interesting and he got to meet new people but the pay was good and he got one free meal.

"Hey Hannes I'm gonna get my food for today!" He calls out.

"Aight!" The blonde cook calls out from the back. He was Bret's immediate supervisor.

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