Skunks can get drunk?! (Au!Eren Jaeger x Reader)

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You yawn while finishing up the last of your work for a while. Sitting back in your chair you close your eyes, almost nodding off.

"Hey (Y/n), a bunch of us are going to go drinking later on, do you want to come?" Eren asks as he pops his head into your cubicle. 

Ripping open your eyes you look over at him and fight down a blush at seeing the amusement in his upside down face. "Uh, I don't know..."

"Come on, it'll be fun. Besides I can't remember the last time you came to hang with us."

"Uhm... okay then. I'll see you there."

He grins, "Awesome, see you."


(Y/n) (L/n) is a person of extreme patience, at least that was what you said to yourself. You weren't one to get angry quickly or always say what was on your mind. This turned out to be a good thing because today was an extreme drain on your patience.

Why were you here again? Oh wait you remember now. At the moment work had gotten out and you along with some of your co-workers had the next few days off. So what did they decide to do and drag you along with? Drinking. Plain and simple they all wanted to go to a bar and you, not wanting to just stay home like a lump, reluctantly agreed.  

Unfortunately for you, instead of leaving at a nice, reasonable hour Eren had managed to find you and keep you there way into the night. Had he been someone else you probably would've left him to his drinking long ago. Truth be told you had a crush on Eren like never before but you were just too shy to do anything about it. Besides you thought he was with Mikasa so you stayed a respectable distance, not wanting to step on any feet.

"-so I said to her that she could go and get the milk!" Eren laughs at his own slurred words, he was beyond smashed.

You were only half-listening at this point because honestly you had no idea of what he was even saying anymore, "Mhm, that's a really funny story Eren. Perhaps we should get you home now though."

"Whaaaa why?" He downs another shot, "We're jussss gettin' shtarted!"

"No Eren, we've been here for four hours and frankly you're drunk as a skunk."

He looks over at you with wide eyes, "Shkunks can get drunk?!" 

You resist the urge to slap your forehead, "Okay Eren I'm officially cutting you off," You slap down some money for the drinks, "Come on, i'll drive you home."

You stand up and put your arm around his shoulders to try and get him out of the chair. Unfortunately he was being difficult, "Nooooooo, I wanna-hick!- Shtay!"

"Eren come on you need to go home." 


"Eren! Seriously I need you to come with me!"

Eren stills suddenly and looks at you, "Hick! Y-you need me?"

"Uh, yeah! Yeah I really do need you. I mean honestly I'm in deep here. I need you to come with me."

He nods his head slowly, "Okay... but only cause you're pretty!"

He tosses his arm over your shoulder and leans most of his weight on you. You gasp as you nearly crumple onto the floor. However regaining your footing you manage to get him out to your car and in it. Buckling him in the back you go around and start up the car. While you were on the free way you look back at Eren, who is staring hard core at you.

"Uh Eren, where do you live so I can drop you off?"



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