Watch me (Annie Leonhart x Male!OC)

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Annie Leonhart was a rare type of person for many reasons. She had a hardness about her that not many people her age possessed and that was really what made her stand out from others. There was something about the way in which she spoke and moved that told Klaus that she was a person who had been through hell. 

Still, she was one who never paid attention to anyone, much less Klaus. He was a guy who really wasn't interested in taking the lead of anything. He was more of a team player who would do what he was told. He was one of those types of people and this was why she would never look at him as anything more than some bumbling comrade.

"Hey, you're in my way."

Klaus jumps as he looks down at Annie standing there. Her face looks less than amused... well... she really didn't have a facial expression. Klaus clams up like always and simply steps away from her to allow the female to get out of the mess hall. He watches her go with a saddened face, she would never like a guy like him. "I wish you would at least just look at me... I really like you a lot..." He mutters.


"Hurry up and get moving!" Shadis screams at all of them from his place down on the ground.

Klaus feels the worry bubbling up in his stomach at their final test determining if they were ready to graduate or not. All he was concerned about was passing, top ten forget about it. Then again as he watches Annie zoom through the tree tops he can't help but wonder about what she's going to do. It was obvious that Annie was good enough to be in the top ten and if that happened then she would probably choose the Military Police and they would be separated anyways. 

"Yo get a move on or you're gonna fail!" Eren yells while zooming past the taller boy. 

Today couldn't have been worse. It was official though, Klaus was probably not going to pass. After the hell he went through for three years only now was he going to fall on his face at the end of the race. It was pathetic. Sitting down and looking at the floor he shakes his head and tries not to lose it. 

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Klaus sees a familiar blonde staring down at him with her cold eyes, "Why do you care what I'm doing?" He barks out, harsher than he meant it to be.

"You're going to fail at this rate."

"I know that! I know that I'm going to fail and there's probably nothing I can do about it and it sucks!"

She levels her gaze with his once more, "You can train before the last final comes around."

He shakes his head and looks down at the floor, "Annie it doesn't matter. Even if I train I'd only screw up my form further because I don't know how to do it the correct way."

"Then I'll train you."

This catches Klaus's attention. He narrows his eyes wondering what the hell happened to the beautiful blonde to completely rattle her brain today. Annie was a loner and she didn't offer to help anyone, so why extend the invitation to him? "Why? Why train me?"

"You wanted me to pay more attention to you and now that I am you're not happy, what do you want?" Is her bland reply.

Klaus's eyes widen, "Wh-what? What are you-."

"I overheard you the other day. Despite what you think I like you and I won't let someone I like fail miserably because of lack of talent."

"Geez Annie, don't bother to spare my feelings." He places a hand on his heart, "I mean... seriously..." He trails off, unsure of what to do now.

She comes forward and leans down in front of him, "This is where you kiss me idiot." She grips his jacket hard and pulls him in to meet her half--way.

Klaus feels like he's about to die from happiness.


"Keep your speed." Annie says while she zooms past Klaus. 

The poor guy didn't know that being involved in a relationship with Annie would be so taxing. Apparently it was 'unacceptable' to have a boyfriend who was 'weak' and so she'd been pushing Klaus to his limits in preparation for the next test. 

"Annie come on just give me a break!" He gasps, coming down to rest with his hands on his knees.

She lands right next to him, "No. Get up and move."

If she wasn't so absolutely beautiful and everything he wanted in a girl Klaus would almost be tempted to have her go back to ignoring him.  


I'm so sorry I know this is really short but honestly Annie is not a character I write often and I'm not sure exactly how to lengthen a canon story with her without actually rehashing what I've written for someone else's one-shot.

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