Sweet (AU!Jean Kirschtein x reader)

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Jenny sighs as she watches Jean and Marco laughing from across the classroom. She'd had a crush on the Jean since the first time they'd met way back in fifth grade. Still, she'd never had the courage to tell him. It was pretty obvious that she had a crush on the tall boy though and everyone knew it.

"Neh, Jenny if you like Jean so much then just tell him." Connie says.

The girl jumps, "Ah! Connie don't sneak up on me!"

Her best friend took a seat next to her, "I didn't, you weren't paying attention to me, you were staring at horse face over there."

She flushes, "I was not!"

"Were too!" he returns, "By the way, school's already over."

Jenny glares at Connie before she grabs up her bag and heads out of the room to go home. Walking out of the room she keeps her head down and walks fast, if she hurries she might be able to make it to the ice cream shop before her train departs. 

Making it to the sweetshop in record time Jenny gets in line to get her ice cream. It takes a few moments but she soon gets her favorite treat  and goes to exit the shop. Happily licking away at the frozen treat Jenny fails to realzie that she's about to run into someone. The two collide and her treat slams into their shirt. There's a moment of horrible silence before the person, some guy, started up.

"Fuck! What the hell you fucking clutz! Watch where you're going, this shirt was new!"The guy yells.

Jenny puts her head down to avoid showing them that she's about to cry, "I-I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry? You're Sorry?! Forget it! You're paying for a new shirt!"

Jenny keeps her head down, her shoulders shaking in effort not to cry. This was horrible. Everyone was laughing or yelling at her and she just wanted to go home. Just when she's about to break someone slides their arm over her shoulder and pulls them tight to their body.

"Why don't you just shut the hell up and keep walking? It was an accident and that shirt isn't worth more than five bucks." Jenny looks up to see that it's Jean of all people. 

The guy glares, "Forget it! This bitch owes me!"

"Then here." Jean takes out his wallet and shoves a five dollar bill in his hands, "Go buy a new shirt and leave her alone, it was an accident so leave it at that, no need to be a dick."

The guy crumpled the bill in his hands and left the shop with a click of his tongue. Jean snorts and turns to look at Jenny, "You alright?"

Wiping the Pseudo-tears from her eyes Jenny nods at him, "Yeah... I'm okay, thank-you Jean."

"It's no problem, that dick shouldn't have yelled at you for an accident. Come on, I'll buy you another one."

Jenny shakes her head, "I can't, I'll miss my train. In fact I should leave n-now."

"Okay, well let me walk you to the train station at least. With your knack for trouble you might get into some other problem on the way there."

She rolls her eyes, "Yeah, okay, sure."

Even though Jenny looks annoyed on the outside secretly she's about to fall over from giddiness. The walk to the train station seemed too short for her liking. Jean walks her all the way to her train and waits for it to depart. Making sure to spiff up her looks before sitting in a window seat. As it's about to depart she waves at Jean who waves back. 

Once the train is out of the station, she sighs and slides down in her seat, a lovey-dovey expression on her face. This was definitely a day to remember. It was the first time she'd been able to talk with Jean one-on-one, she loved it.


The next day Jenny was on her way to school. She'd just come off of the train and was hurrying off when suddenly the guy from yesterday showed up again. As Jenny lowered her head and began to walk quick in order to get past him the guy grabbed her satchel strap and hauled her into a wall. Slamming his arms on either side of her head, she was effectively trapped.

"Well, well, well, lookie who we have here."

"Please l-let me go." She pleads.

He grins, "Not a chance, because of you I had to buy a new shirt and was late to my date. That girl didn't even wait on me. Now, what're you going to do to compensate me?"

"Nothing, leave me alone!"

"Shut up!" He shakes her hard. 

A fist out of nowhere comes and slams into the guy's face. The man goes reeling and Jenny is pulled into familiar arms, Jean's arms. He holds her protectively for a moment before he goes over and kicks the crap out of the guy. Once he's sure the bastard isn't going to be moving for a while he turns back and slides his arm over her shoulders, "C'mon, you're walking with me."

On the way to school Jean slows down for a moment. Jenny looks at him in confusion, "Jean?"

"Jenny, are you okay?"

She smiles a bit, "Thanks to you, I am."

"You're lucky I was there to get you."

"I know, I'm really thankful."

Jean hugs her tight to him, "I can't keep doing this, please tell me where you live."


"I'm asking you because from now on I'll be the one to take you home and pick you up. I'm not going to let you get hurt."

"Jean you don't have to-."

"No, I'm doing this because I want to. I care about you Jenny, if you get hurt I'm going to go insane."


He leans down and places his lips on hers. "I'm not going to take no for an answer on this. Please, Jenny."

She blushes and nods her head, "I-I'd love that."

And so, their relationship began. 

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