Paper Cranes (Au!Eren Jaeger x Oc)

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Eren Jaeger, despite his rough exterior and attitude, was a softie. He hated it when girls cried and he always wanted to make things better for everyone, especially the only two people he still held dear to him; Mikasa Ackerman and Candy Kane-KC for short-. He'd do anything for them because they were his world and perhaps before long KC would be more than just a friend. 

"Eren! I found the most amazing pair of shoes!" KC yells as she runs toward him, her red and white striped hair bouncing. 

The Jeager turns around with wide eyes before he's tackled by the hyperactive girl. All he'd wanted to do was just go and get the mail, not get tackled by his best friend. The two land on the ground and Eren groans painfully, "KC can't you walk normally?"

"Nuuuuuuu!" She whines and sits up before shoving the shoes into is face, "Look at these shoes though! They're adorable!"

"KC... how much sugar have you had today?"

"Tons!" She laughs and gets to her feet, pulling him along with her. "I feel so awake! I wanna do something, come on let's do something!"

Eren can only chuckle at the crazy female, she always had a way of making him laugh no matter what. Perhaps that was the reason that he liked her so much, more than a best friend should. She was beautiful and was happy-go-lucky. Stretching Eren then looks around to see people staring at them, like usual. 

"What do you want to do, anything in mind?" He holds onto her hand tightly, wanting to make the contact last as long as possible. 

She shakes her head rapidly, "What do you want to do? Oh! I know teach me how to make those paper cranes you made for Mikasa's birthday last year!"

"Come on, let's go back to my house for now." He says, walking in that direction. 

KC catches up with him and grabs onto his hand, "Alright! Let's go and you can finally teach me how to make those paper cranes!"


"No, look KC you just have to fold this end over and pull it." Eren instructs as he finishes off yet another paper crane.

KC looks at her own jumbled mess of paper and whines. Tossing it down on the table she falls backwards and lays there on the floor. Eren can't help but sigh in happiness. For over two whole hours he'd been making paper crane after paper crane in the hopes of KC eventually seeing what he was doing and be able to make one herself. Needless to say he was disappointed when she still couldn't figure it out. 

"Eren this is too hard!" KC whines from her spot on the floor.

"Well you know they are pretty advanced..." He looks over to see her looking bored, "Plus they also say that if you manage to make a thousand paper cranes that you automatically have earned a free wish."

"Really?! Oh my god I wanna do that! I want a wish!" She jumps on his lap, "Eren you definitely have to help me learn how to make them now!"

The man sighs and stands up, stretching. KC tumbles off of his lap and onto the floor, "Well I guess we can pick it up after my college lecture tomorrow, does that sound alright?"

She pouts, "But I wanna learn now, seriously I'm so excited to do this!"

"C'mon please KC, I'm really tired."

The girl smiles, "Sure! I'll be back tomorrow!" She races out of the room and Eren watches her go, unaware that he wouldn't ever see her come back.  


The day was dismal, just like every other day. Sitting in the middle of a dark house was Eren. His eyes were dull, lifeless at this point. He felt like the world had been robbed of light, light in the form of a perky girl with red and white hair.  He should've told her how he felt earlier. He should've sucked it up and taught her how to make those cranes that day. 

"Eren it's already been a year." Mikasa says from her place in his bedroom doorway.

Eren says nothing only continues to look down at what he's doing, what he's been doing since she'd left the world. He couldn't bear the guilt and the weight of her untimely death. After that phonecall he just locked himself in his house away from the world. 

"Eren, it's time you stopped this. It's not going to bring her back, KC is gone."

Eren still ignores her, she didn't know for sure and he was only ten cranes away. Ten more and she would be back in his arms and everything would be okay. Finishing off yet another crane he puts it with the piles of other cranes.

Mikasa can only shake her head, "I'm going out for a bit, call if you need me." With that she's gone.

Working hard he finishes the next eight cranes and deposits them next to the others. Reaching over for the last crane his hand hits wood, only. Looking down he sees that he's out of paper. Shoving himself away from the desk he stumbles over the masses of paper cranes and into the rest of his house. Rummaging around he's not finding anymore paper. Giving out an angered shout Eren rushes up stairs to find anything.

Running up each step he's so focused on everything else that he doesn't even realize the situation he's in. Slipping on one of his shirts that was resting on a step he's hurtled backwards down the stairs. His back hits first and then he's down the stairs. Hitting the bottom he groans and his vision is swimming. 

However he grabs a piece of old trash and begins to fold it with shaky hands. He had to do this, he had to see her again. Making the last fold his arms fall back to the ground, too heavy to hold up any longer.


"Eren," Looking over he's surprised to see a hand holding out a paper crane in their palm, "Sorry it took so long to learn."

His breath catches, "K-KC?" He manages to sit up, ignoring everything else. He sees her smiling face greeting him, in her outstretched hand was a gum wrapper in the shape of a crane. "It-it worked I mean... it really worked!"

She steps forward and hugs him. Eren closes his eyes and takes in her familar scent, runs his fingers through her beautiful striped hair. She was so beautiful and he missed her so much. "I'm sorry I never got to tell you this before but I love you! I love you so much!" Leaning forward he places a kiss to her lips, one she easily returns.

Breaking apart she grins and is positively glowing, "I love you too."

Hugging her ever tigher he's surprised when he feels fluffy wings protruding from her back. "KC, you have... you have wings!" He gaps.

KC laughs boisterously but he could tell that there was something else about that laugh, "Eren you silly guy... I'm not the only one with wings."


She points behind him, "You have the same wings silly! We're matching."

"Where did these come from?"

"I think it's time for me to explain, come with me."

"Will we be together?"

KC kisses him again, "Of course Eren, forever." She takes his hand and is running off toward the brighter expanse of light, laughing the entire way. 



"Shit he's not breathing, there's too much blood!"

"Eren come on man!"

"...I'm sorry... he's gone."

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I'm sorry I'm such a bad person for this! T.T I originally intended for this to go a different way but this just fit so perfectly!

I was looking on Deviantart and I read this beautifully heartwrenching comic:

@ErenAOTlover  I'm sorry but I just ended up going around it this way, please don't be too mad! T.T

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