It's all in your head (Au!Levi/Rivaille x Oc)

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Like so many times before Hannah can't help but wonder why the hell she decided to become a doctor. Over her years she'd seen and taken care of almost every crisis. Her patients always were grateful at the end of their ordeals and she was left with a feeling of satisfaction. Never in her life however had she ever dealt with someone like Levi Ackerman.

This man was one of the worst hypochondriacs she'd ever come across.

Levi literally would come in at the drop of a hat. In fact he would come bursting into her office despite her being with another patient or not, complain about himself being terminally ill, and then when Hannah couldn't find anything wrong with him, blame her. 

Every day the two of them went through this little dance. He would come in swearing he's sick and then once she finally got him to shut up and accept he was okay, try and get him out of the door. Usually their little encounters took about an hour or more out of her day. 

"I swear this time I am fucking infected!"

"And I swear you're fine Professor Ackerman." Hannah puts down her examination light and strips off her gloves. She tosses them into the trash, "Just like every other day." She adds under her breath.

The short Physics professor glares at her back, "I'm telling you I'm not. I've had chills and nausea all day. It doesn't help that those brats are constantly coming in with their germs, not properly disinfecting."

"Professor Ackerman, I have done all the appropriate tests for meningitis, otitis, and sinusitis. You came up negative for all of it."

Levi gives her a look yet again, annoyed. Hannah can't help but lean back against the counter and toss her head back. If this man wasn't such a bear to deal with she might've been a little more nervous around him; he was prety good-looking after all. 

The man gets to his feet and Hannah is left watching him with a dubious expression. She has no idea of what he's going to do. "You know I'm not going to attack you because you don't believe me." He snorts.

"It's not that Professor Ackerman, it's just that I'm not sure what to do here. Every day we go through this and every day it's the same result. I don't know how much more I can do to get it through your head that you are a very healthy individual."

"Tch, it's not that. All of these fucking germs around here is the problem. Call me Levi by the way, you're not a student of mine."

"Alright, well I'm sure you know that bacteria and 'germs' as you say are essential to human life. Not all bacteria is bad just as it's not all good."

Levi walks around to the window and leans against it, arms crossed against his chest. "I know that..." He mutters.

"Then how about this. I go and do a check-over of your classroom and give you tips on better disinfecting the surfaces and in return you promise to limit your visits to my office to twice a week-."


"Two or no deal and I ban you from my clinic."

"...Fine. Show up at my classroom tomorrow at seven."

"Good, now if you're good, I have other patients to see."

He heads out of the office but stops at the door. Turning around he looks at Hannah again, "Before I go-."

She shoves him out of the office and shuts the door in his face, "I'll see you tomorrow, Professor Ackerman."

Now all she has to do is wait until the day is over. Hannah looks over and checks her clock yet again, just twenty minutes to go.

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