Underhanded win (Erwin Smith x OC)

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"Oh come on Erwin, surely you're not scared." A smile tugs at the woman's lips as she teases the tall commander.

Erwin's brows furrow at the beautiful woman's taunts, "I'm not scared, just busy."

The copper haired woman only smirks before turning back to instruct some cadets on the best way to ride a horse if their saddles should break or fall off. Erwin watches her with interest, as always. Marissa Felberth; huntress, Scouting Legion squad leader, and above all else the most intriguing and infuriating woman he knew. 

She wasn't afraid to question his decisions and call him out on his faults. She challenged him in a way that he'd never really been challenged before. It was something that really drew him to her odd enough. 

Though now she was trying to make him seem like a fool in front of his cadets because while she was teaching part of them to ride a horse bareback she was also helping the other half of them learn archery in case they managed to survive til the sun went down. She saw that he wasn't participating and decided to bug him about it. Leading to where he was now, his recruits watching him with a mix of amusement and wonder.

"Oi Erwin, we have someone from the brass asking for you." Levi says as he comes over, Squad Levi in tow. 

Marissa smile at Petra, the two were actually really good friends, "Hey Petra." 

The strawberry blonde smiles back, "Hi!"

"Tch, don't stand there gossiping, we have work to do." Levi turns away and walks off. Petra shoots Marissa an apologetic smile before trailing after Levi.

Erwin feels like he wants to sigh in relief, he now had an excuse to not to have to do this in front of all of these people. He goes to walk off toward headquarters when Marissa stops him, a delicate hand placed on his shoulder, close to his chest. "Don't think you're getting out of this. Meet me out here after dinner, stand me up and I will come and beat the crap out of you until you give in."

Had that been anyone else trying to boss him around Erwin probably would've set them up to be the fodder on the next expedition, but not Marissa. She was the only one who ever could or would get away with it.


"Are you sure that this is the best course of action?" Mike asks as he looks over the papers Erwin had handed him earlier. 

Erwin takes a bite of his late dinner and chews thoughtfully. To be honest he wasn't sure what the best course of action would be considering the brass were once again threatening to disband funding to the Legion. Still, he figured that if they managed to explain about the new maneuvers they were implimenting then they would be able to at least make it through the next expedtion.

"I think it should work." He responds.

Mike's nose twitches, what does he smell now? Erwin opens his mouth to reply when his door is kicked almost off the hinges. Both males feel a chill go down their spines as a familiar copper haired female stalks into the room, a not so happy face aimed directly at Erwin. 

"You!" She yells and jabs a finger at the taller blonde. "You stood me up you pathetic buffoon!"

Rushing toward him she leaps over the desk, only to be caught by Mike mid-jump, "Whoah now!"

"Let me go Mike he stood me up, you don't do that!"

Erwin is plastered against the back of his chair, blue eyes wide, "I'm sorry I forgot-."

"No excuses!" She struggles against Mike who holds her tight.

Erwin sighs and looks at Mike to let Marissa go. For a moment the blonde with the mustache is hesitant but lets her go. Marissa leaps over the desk once again and Erwin doesn't miss a beat as he reaches out and catches her. She struggles in his arms trying to get at his face. Eventually she exhausts all of her anger and Erwin sits her down on his desk, standing up in the process, ready to run if she suddenly got her second wind.

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